
Just Get In The Saddle

Here is the question - does fear hold you back from your dreams. Really, it is a legit question. Are there things you would like to do but don’t because something nagging and ugly causes doubt? Have you ever wanted to jump out of a plane? Have you thought about diving off a bridge? Walking a high wire? Gliding across a canyon?

Well, I mentioned something like this earlier today, which has caused me to think more about being held back. It was the idea of becoming a rocket scientist. It is no different than sky diving, bungee jumping, doing acrobatics in the circus, or hand gliding. It is so easy to live in our comfortable lives, living vicariously through the media, books, or blogs. But at the end of the day, are we really happy? Have you managed to affectively put a rag in our proverbial mouth and stopped the voice of wanting more for ourselves.

Maybe, just maybe, it is time to deal with the phobias that hold us back. Identify them. Short of the money needed (which could be saved, even if it took a long while and total discipline), is it knowledge that holds us back? Seriously, think of something you have always wanted to do, but have not? Just look at it for a moment, you are not committing to it.

Now, taking a cord from my niece who is the queen of making plans and proposals for everything she wants (and does achieve) - research it. For instance, say you dreamed of joining the rodeo. Granted it is dangerous, but sometimes just getting into the shower is just as deadly. Learn about it. Read about it. Research it. Look into Wrangler National Finals Rodeo tickets and actually go to a rodeo, the big, bad, real thing, where competition is key. Talk to the fans around you. Plus it is a great excuse to go. See what it is really like and what it would really mean to join the rodeo.

Don't just pooh pooh this and settle into life with fear. Grab the reins, but grab them with a hand that is in a glove of knowledge and readiness. Maybe you will find out that it is not all that...or maybe, just maybe, it will be...


Continuing on...Another 2012 Reference

Now it is time to consider another book of the Maya, other than the The Popol Vuh. This time, let us look into the Books of Chilam Balam, which heralds from the Yucatan Peninsula and was written during the Colonial Era. It specifically mentions the date 4 Ahaw, which is found on Monument #6 at Torteguero. This is the the famous Decemeber 21, 2012 date.

This is a tale of degeneration. It is a story of the coming of Quetzal . It is a story of the coming of the green bird and the of the yellow tree. Not so bad, eh? But then along with these arrives, on 4 Ahaw comes “blood vomit.” K’uk’ulkan comes.

First, Quetzal is a bird with iridescent tail feathers and is indigenous to Central America. So this is probably the green bird. However Queztal is also a Maya/Aztec god of air.(1) A positive symbol, if you will. Also the tail feathers of the bird were plucked (and the birds were then set free) and worn by Maya priest. (2) Also in Mezoamerican languages, Quetzal also is translated to mean "precious, sacred, or erected."

The yellow tree is not so good. It may be the yellow tree of abundance (in the south), but it is harbinger of destruction. (3) So we have, a positive symbol with the god of air, then destruction and blood vomit, which just sounds really bad. But then finally...something positive again. K’uk’ulkan. This is a feathery serpent god (4) that originally helped create Earth and humanity. Well, maybe it is good. Maybe he returns to see what on earth (literally) is going on here...

Yikes. The thing about 4 Ahaw is that it occurs every 256 years. So, it is possible these references were about times that have past – events in 987 AD or even the Spanish invasion in 1500 AD.

But then there is the 13 Pik...

  1. www.territoriopc.com
  2. www.equiltpatterns.com
  3. saturniancosmology.org
  4. www.wakinggod.com


A Story of Success

It is always fascinating to see how life provides coincidences or patterns that all come together. After writing the post on five ways to have a successful hypnosis session and mentioning the idea of waiting tables, there have been a few coincidences that come to mind.

So this is a post about coincidence, or actually how the idea of waiting tables for a living has coming into my consciousness. No, I am not planning to change careers in that direction, but I thought I would share a story about a client whom used my hypnocoaching practice to help her be more successful. Now don't be judgemental. If you are going to be a professional anything, you really should give it your all, and you might be surprised at what doors open for you.

This client came in completely unhappy. She felt like she was trapped in a box and couldn't muster the strength to knock off the lid. She was young and had wanted to go to college, but that did not seem so possible (bad grades, no money, etc.). She had thought about switching from the fast food service to waiting tables. However, she was very shy and had something akin to stage fright about getting out from behind the counter. She feared people would really take notice of her and that terrified her. However, she felt the money would be better.

So, we did a few things. We used hypnosis to help improve her self-esteem, deal with the phobias involved, and did some research. This included waitress training before she even went into the restaurant environment. Resources like Vat19.com's The Perfect Server gave her a chance to understand the nuances about being successful in such a business endeavor. This DVD includes things like reading your customer's body language and being aware of your own, how to prep your table, and all those things that make people's eating experience exemplary. WE even practiced.

Then it was time for her to find a job, which she did without too much trouble, actually working for a non-chain restaurant locally. Other than having the usual first day jitters, she found she really liked working with customers and her tips have been phenomenal. She is also enrolled now at a community college.

She is celebrating with a bottle of wine (in the world's largest wine glass), but that's not bad for being on top of the world, out of the box.


5 Ways to Have a Successful Hypnosis Session

Sometimes I have the urge to say that experiencing hypnosis is not rocket science. It is not harder than waiting tables. But then for some, it is like rocket science or learning to wait tables. The positive thing for these folks is that if you wanted to be a rocket scientist, you could. You could go to college and study it. If you wanted to be part of a wait staff, you could learn from training or DVDs. So, if you can do both of those things, you can be good at reaping the benefits of hypnosis.


1. You could research it (on blogs and such like this one) and learn what it is and is not.

2. You can research hypnotists and find one with whom you are comfortable.

3. Follow the hypnotist's instructions. That should really help. If you find you are going into a session and feel fearful or untrusting of the hypnotist, go to another one.

4. Do not expect to have an experience like those shown on popular television fiction. Ask the hypnotist about this if he or she has not given you an idea about what to expect.

5. The more you use hypnosis the better it becomes. You might even want out some self-hypnosis programs.

And at the end of the session, maybe you will not understand jet propulsion, but you can look at it as if it were a glass of wine, filled with your beverage of choice. Not only will your glass be half filled, it will be totally full.



Your Space

I spent Friday on travel and most of it in a hotel in the suburban sprawl. After isolating myself there for the day and working on papers and such, I noticed a slight depression creeping in upon me. Not even opening the curtains for the bright sunlight helped or even the short walk through strip mall paradise. But then the next day when I left to continue my journey, and ended up in a small town proper in Mississippi, the load was lightened and everything felt okay again. Just changing locations was huge (I do not live in suburbia, so it was a change). The town was quiet and it was raining, but there was a feeling of hope and dreams.

So this leads me into today's contemplation. Look around you, in the place you spend the most amount of time. Is this a good place for you? What are the positive aspects? Do there need to be more (or maybe less)?

Contemplate where you are physically. Close your eyes for a moment, take a few deep breaths and just let the idea of the space around come into your mind. As it does, notice how you feel? Are you comfortable, depressed, happy, sad? Does it feel right and what needs to happen so it do so? Allow the answers to come from deep within. Then when you are ready just focus on the following statement:
I have the power to create a space around me that helps me be where I want to be.



No Pain Surgery

Perhaps there is a dull ache, a fogginess that lingers, and there is a voice who continually prods and presses you to return to normal consciousness. There are the questions, "Do you know where you are?" or "How do You feel?" The truth is, you just want to keep your eyes closed form the blinding lights or you want to return to that thoughtless void. Hypnosis? No. Anesthesia. Yes.

Well one hypnotist decided he wanted a better surgical experience and used self-hypnosis rather than anesthesia. Alex Lenkei from Worthington, West Sussex, used self-hypnosis during an operation to have a tumor removed and tendons readjusted in his wrist. By the way, he is also in his early 60s. Impressed? I am! And the amazing thing about this is that he did it himself. There was no outside hypnotist, only the power of his own mind, taking control of his body. He says it took him 30 seconds to a minute to get ready for the surgery, which itself took over 80 minutes.

To check his pain levels and stress on the body, the doctor did the standard monitoring that goes on during surgery. There was no rise in blood pressure and his breathing rate remained the same.

Perhaps it is time to offer another class in self-hypnosis?

Source: www.news-medical.net



The Site of the Number

We have talked about this and that and various ideas about what is behind the Maya 2012 date. The theories have ranged from celestial movements, frequency shifts, aliens, and the nine levels of consciousness. But what does the calendar, the Maya calender specifically say about December 21, 2012?

Basically December 21, 2012 is the last day of the current Bak’tun (also known as as Pik in ancient times). It is also the 13 Pik in the great scheme of the cycle that began on August 11, 3114. BC. Robert Sitler sees this as a date in a larger cycle of life. In fact, the date of this 13 Pik only appears as a reference on one of the ancient monuments.

Monument #6 at Tortuguero in Tabasco, Mexico is where this reference lies.

David Stuart translates it:
…uhtiiy waxak Chuwen b’olon(te’) Mak
hekwaniiy K’anjalnaah
Upib’naah Ahkal K’uk’.
Cha’ b’olon winikij ux ha’b’ waxak winikha’b’(?) ux pik
tzuhtz-(a)j-oom u (w)uxlajuun pik
(ta) chan Ajaw ux(te’) Uniiw
uhtoom ..?..
ye..?.. B’olon Yookte’ ta ..?..

…(long ago) it happened, the day Eight Chuwen, the ninth of Mak
when the Becoming-Ripe-House was constructed(?).
It was the ‘underground house’ (shrine) of (the god) Ahkal K’uk’.
It was two and nine-score days, three years, eight-score years and 3 x 400 years
(before) the Thirteenth Bak’tun will end
on Four Ajaw, the third of Uniiw,
when ..?.. it will occur,
the descent..?.. of B’olon Yookte’ at ..?..

There you have it – December 21, 2012. Oh, and maybe you are wondering who is this B’olon Yookte? He is mostly associated with war and conflict and the Creation Myth (one of the under World Lords?). but he is also seen on the Vessel of the Seven Lords, which is where the 3114 BC date (where the begining date of the Great Cycle came got its start). Perhaps this is where the whole destruction and regeneration theme in 2012 is based. (2)

Illustration by Sven Gronemeyer
(2) www.december212012.com



Healing Confessions

Monday I mentioned the idea of dealing with trauma and that I would write more about it. While I was gathering my thoughts, I came across some interesting information that I feel pertains to this topic. Granted I would always recommend using hypnosis for helping heal trauma whether one is the victim or the tormentor. However, this may not always be an option for some. The following may be used in conjunction with hypnosis or talk therapies.

It is the idea of spilling your gut out onto paper (or cyberspace). By writing our deepest feelings, we may heal ourselves. Now granted for those who have issues maintaining privacy, did you know that you can have a private blog that is password protected? If someone hacks into it, it is a little different than someone happening across your journal. From my own past experience, the former has been really bad and it turned me off of writing my thoughts. But life has a way of changing for the better. So there are options out there for those who have privacy issues.

Not only am I speaking from experience, when it comes to healing through the written word, confession, emotion, etc., James Pennebaker, PhD, a professor of psychology at Southern Methodist University has done studies and research that back this up. And what were the benefits of really writing out emotion? Compared to a control group who suppressed issues, those who poured out there soul onto paper increased their immune responses including reducing recovery times and promoting general wellness. There was actually an increase in white blood cells.

So, when you feel overwhelmed by trauma (or even if you do not know what it is that is bothering you), try writing it down or typing it out and begin the healing process.

Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions by James Pennebaker, The Guilford Press; 1997.



More to Calleman's Nine Under Worlds

I have blogged at bit in the recent past about the Under World’s of the Maya that are based on theories by Carl Johan Calleman. I last left you with all levels of consciousness or the nine Under Wworlds of the Maya coming to fruition in the next few years. But there is another date that rears its voice in this system of thought. Remember I left you with the question of when all the levels will be completed on our nine tiers of evolution? That date is October 28, 2011. Ha. Bet you thought it was going to be 2012. So now are you wondering why I still have 2012 all over this blog? Read on.

When the sunrises on October 28, 2011, there will be a new consciousness on Earth or so this theory goes. It will be a time of harmony. No more conflicts – inner or outer. Nirvana. Heaven.

However, this is not so easily done. Some are preparing now. Some will give in then, but ultimately it means surrendering our egos. Like most theories of evolution, this is no different. The ego has to be reckoned with before one reaches a state of finding the divine within. It must be override and must not continue to rule our being. Think of it this way. The ego came about in our evolution process to help us feel the need to survive and propagate. It helps bridge the duality of our selves in that there is conscious self and the one the is the higher self. The conscious self’s ego driven, the higher self is greater than that. It is the part of us that tangos with divinity.

Because there will be an energy and frequency shift on October 28, 2011, the duality will not be able to exist within it. Many will rise to their inner greatness, while some will have problems. Hence 2012. The time between these dates is the allotted for the transitions of consciousness. After this, there will be no time. It will be unnecessary because e we will live from moment to moment. No more dwelling on the past or needing to forgive.

And again, I’m not preaching here. I am merely sharing with you a view for future consciousness.



Accepting the Struggle Contemplation

The peaceful weekend has lead to this beautiful Monday morning. There is a quietness to the day, and I am hoping to hold onto that for awhile.

Over the weekend, I received a comment asking me about how to deal with trauma triggers. I am currently working on the answer for that (perhaps a tip for Tuesday?) and have contemplated it. That led me into thoughts of what to post for this week's contemplation.

In Jack Kornfield's book A Path with Heart, he mentions the idea of learning about the "war within." These would be things that you may struggle against. They could be big things, general worries, or even minor irritations. In fact, a lot of the time, we do not even know what it is that we struggle against. We feel the side effects - tension, stress, ill-health, or even a feeling of depression.

So this week, take a few minutes out of your day, begin to quiet the mind, and ask your inner self:

What is it that you struggle against?

The trick is not to dwell on this, not to think about it, but just let the thoughts enter your mind. In other words, do not force them, let your subconscious mind bring the ideas forward.

Once it does this, ask yourself if the answer rings true. If it does not, let the idea go. But if it does resonate within you, you can do a couple of things. You can chose to just accept that this as something you struggle against and the awareness may make it easier to bear. Or you can contemplate it more, you can ask what is you struggle against exactly and why. Can you rectify it or deal with it differently.

And no matter what it is, this is only for you to know, you do not have to share it. Even if it seem silly, do not discredit it. The more you can identify issues, the more you can deal with them.



How the Nine Maya Levels Work

This is in conjunction with yesterday's post - The Nine Under Worlds of the Maya.

Let’s imagine for a moment that we are looking at a Mayan pyramid. There before you are the nine levels and the many stairs leading up to the top. How do these relate to humanity and our evolution? According to Carl Johan Calleman, these blocks are all represented in one stream of evolution.

Take the bottom level. Within it you have life at the cellular level. On top of this goes the next level, primate. It is supported and grows out of the cellular. Both of these support, the third level where humans emerge. They are evolved from the primates, so within them are the cellular and primates. Now top this with spoken language, all the bottom levels are still present in this higher level. Then add the next level of the written word – all the other levels still exist with this new addition. From there we add industrialization. Again, the lower blocks are still involved. One top of this, I believe is technology.

But if we again consider the structure of the pyramid, each level is a bit smaller than the next; this corresponds to the idea that each level of evolution is a shorter time span. Evolution speeds up. How much? Twenty times. Each creation cycle (evolution) is 20 times shorter than the one on which it rest.

Let’s make this a little more complicated, though. Each level is still existing and unending. Where one begins the other does not stop. It keeps going, encompassing that which is upon it. Though we have not come to the eighth level just yet, the first level is still playing out. All will end at the same time. Take a guess when that is scheduled to be.



The Nine Under Worlds of the Maya

So, put on your fancy Tights and let's dance backwards a bit. You know the steps. Just relax and let them come naturally. We are not done waltzing with the Maya myths just yet. Feel free to wear the most funky tights you can find (after all a new consciousness needs a certain hipness). And let's step off at the Hero twin myth and stop at the idea of the underworlds. In this particular underworld, there was a ball game play, a little decapitation, and later, some triumph.

But what if there were more than one underworld. What if there were nine of them? Nine is a prominent number in the universe – nine planets, nine worlds in the Norse cosmos, and nine worlds in Hopi Indian lore. But what if they were more than just places where the dead go?

What if instead the nine underworlds were different creation cycles? The bottom underworld would represent the consciousness of matter, the Big Bang, if you will. The next would be the consciousness of the first primates. The third would give us the first humans and the forth spoken language. The next would be written language. Industrialization would be the next, and the remaining are unknown at the current time. That would place us in industrialization (though Peter Russell might extend that we have entered the technological time frame, which could very well be the next level).

Think about it for a few moments. Note the levels in the pyramids of the Mayans – nine. Seems significant and maybe these play a key role in unlocking the Maya math and what it means.


A Breakfast of Frequency with the Aliens

Theorist José Argüelles believes that we are and have been in a galactic frequency beam since 3113 BC. Guess when this period of the beam ends? Did you guess 2012? Boy, you catch on quickly. LOL.

Here's a delightfully fun view of Mayan history. The Maya were not of this planet. Yes, indeed they were aliens, aliens with a purpose. And basically, we may have four more years to figure it out what it was. The theory is that the first Maya (seed Maya if you will), came to this planet and left observations about seven other planetary systems where they have navigated. Once they had finished leaving information about our relationship with these seven other planets and the great beam, they were done.

So let us ponder a few things. We must ask ourselves why did the Mayan Great Cycle start on August 13, 3113 BC when their civilization began to flourish between 100-300 AD? If the Mayan calendar was just merely to be used for planning purposes, such as when to plant crops, etc., why is there such a gap between the beginning and the civilized time? Perhaps the Long Count came first and a pattern was recognized for crop production within it. Perhaps the calendar is something else - a code. If one takes the 260-day count, such as Argüelles does, and makes it into a matrix with 260 units, it coincides with the timing of the Great Cycle as well with that being 260 katuns (20 years to one katun). This is the same as the day cycle. It is then possible that the calendar is like a periodic table of galactic frequencies.

Basically this Great Beam is made out of a frequency that is generated from the galactic core and is mediated through the sun. The beam in itself is 5, 125 years wide and the same in diameter. Now if we look closely at the idea of resonance, we know that there are certain factors involved including the notion that resonance produces waves or vibratory cycles. When these reach a certain point, they become form or matter.

Also, this beam has frequency waves that rise and fall like those in our oceans. And like the ocean waves, there is a breaking point. When was the breaking point of our galactic beam? To be exact, it was August 16 and 17, 1987. Do you remember where you were then? (I was starting my first year away from home, a totally different consciousness).Heck, were you even born? LOL.

Now we are just waiting for the wave to cascade into our shore and that will happen in 2012. What will that mean? Will we be able to decode the Mayan code? Will it advance us?

Or maybe, just maybe advancing means devolving (in human terms). Think of animals and how they adapt to nature much more easily than we do. We need comforts like clothing, shelter, and such. But does this make us out of harmony, out of resonance with the galaxy? Have we grown too reliant on technology? Maybe we are using too many of our resources to power these advancements, and as Argüelles points out, have we spent those resources during one large binge? Are we letting technology clog our own receptors to being in balance with the universe?

He begs us to wake up and decide what fate we want for our plant.

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A Simple Commitment

Wouldn't it be nice if personal change could be as easy as applying Makeup or for a more masculine slant, deciding whether or not to shave for the day?

However, there is a misconception with hypnosis that it is even easier than doing either of these things. Here is how it goes: you have a vague idea about something you wish could be different and that a hypnotist can magically snap their fingers and change it much like a fairy godmother would do for a beloved god-child. But even the fairy godmother knows there are certain things must be adhered to for the wish to come true. There is timing and certain steps that one must take to get to the ball and win the heart of the royalty.

The deal with hypnosis is that you have to be willing to do a little work. You have to be willing to actually commit to making the change. Before you even step through the door, it must be in your heart of hearts that you are willing to make the changes you want to make. You cannot expect anyone else to do it for you.

For instance, if you decide to see a hypnotist to stop smoking, when you go for that session, you should have the mindset that when you leave you will be a non-smoker. Do not question it and see if you can still smoke. Of course you can, it is not rocket science. But instead see how long you can remain a non-smoker, see how long you can remain committed to yourself.

So, as you put on your shaving cream or line those lips, think about something you wish you could change. And when you are ready, commit to it. The commitment is as easy as shaving or putting on the make-up.


Why I am Fixated on 2012

With the Maya and their 2012 date, I know this diverges from hypnosis, but in the end hypnosis is partially about changing consciousness and I hope the idea of 2012 will inspire others to think about making their own personal changes. We can evolve. We can use the mystique of that time frame to work on being the people we are destine to be, we can affect the world, and we can do it by starting with ourselves. Hypnosis and meditation can help manifest those changes. I will still continue to talk about hypnosis and other related things here, but I will also continue on the road to 2012.

Here is a running contents of the posts:
Origins - How I got involved originally in 2012
A Contemplation for Positive Change
A Really Brief Look at the Mayan Calendar Math
Mayan Dating
Corn People

A Story Behind 2012
- the Hero Twin Myth
The Alignment of the 2012 Astrology
How New Age Merges with 2012
A Breakfast of Frequency with the Aliens - A theory about the first Maya and Frequency
Nine Under Worlds of the Maya - A theory on Maya architecture and calendar
How the Nine Maya Levels Work - A continuation of Nine Under Worlds of the Maya
More to Calleman's Nine Under Worlds - More about the nine Maya levels and their meaning.
The Site of the Number - The Maya monument that features the 2012 reference.
Continuing on...Another 2012 Reference - The Chilam Balam reference.
Will Rigoberta Menchú be Part of The 2012 Prophecy?
Technological Singularity - Guest Post by Francis Scudellari



A Non-hypnotic Resource for Saving Us Both Time

The thing that truly appeals to me about hypnosis is the idea that you can fix things inside yourself that need fixing or tweaking. These run the gamut. And then I look back and I realize, problem solving or fixing things has been a part of my life for a very long time. In my other incarnations, I have been an "IT" person (hey, that is cool, I always wanted to be an It girl) and did my own special brand of hypnosis on computers (call Apple, read the manuals, give it a go).

However, as a hypnotist, I am still my own IT person. Because I do a lot of my marketing and communication on line, I also end up being a client IT person as well. I will get calls with people asking what the Monday Contemplation was because they are getting
errors connecting to the Internet. Since this happens, I have had to look for a source that explains technology better than I can (there are only so many hours in a day). Hence, there is www.web-articles.info. They offer easy to understand tutorials and answers to these problems. It has an easy to find search button and over 1300 articles. It is a great resource. So, I suggest taking a look at them. It may save both of us time.


Who Are You Contemplation

Even if you are not a theatre person, you play many roles, changing slightly to accommodate each one. Maybe your roles include being a parent, a child, a professional, a worker, a listener, or anything at all. The question is, are you playing the roles you want to play? Are you happy with the one's you are currently portray? If you answered no to either of these, this means you may want to consider making a change. Just a thought.

But with this in mind, the opportunity is unlimited when it comes to being who you are. You can be whomever you like, just be happy with what you choose or change the role.

So here is today's contemplation:

I am who I want to be. I am that person and I am happy with that person.


A T-shirt for 2012

Every now and again I get a Spring urge and that urge is to design some new t-shirts for N*tranced. You know, something snappy and catchy (okay, here is showing my age again, but I was heavily influenced by the "Frankie Say" t-shirts of the past millennium). Maybe something to the affect of be N*tranced for 2012. LOL. Actually...

So, I have been playing around with Blue Cotton's t-shirt design studio for making custom t-shirts. Needless to say I have spent way more time playing around with it, but it is fabulously easy and they give a lot of choices for design motifs.

Now I created the above design and am trying to decide if it is worthy of being a t-shirt. Let me know if you would be interested in one and that will help me decide.



How New Age Merges with 2012

For the past little while, I have been sharing the ideas of John Major Jenkins 2012 philosophies and that of the Popol Vuh. Let's put it all together now and see what the astrological potential and the creation myth have to do with 2012 and the fate of humanity.

One December 24, 2012, the astrological signs all align with the story of the hero twins and the downfall of the false ruler Seven Macaw. But what does this mean for you and me? It could mean it is either a reminder or a prophecy of our need to evolve. This may be the perfect time, when everything comes together so we can change for the better rather than sinking into the depths of murky humanity.

The New Age philosophies hold that Seven Macaw represents our ego and what holds us back from our connecting with the divine. The era of Seven Macaw draws to end, the ego must fall before the divine self can be reborn, so that we reconnect with greatest of the divine. This divine self rises up, so that it shines through, like the Solstice sun.



My City Face

Visit me in cyberville at MyCityFaces.com, a brand web site that promotes local businesses. It seems to be part social network and part directory, like an easy to read service and sales directory.

My profile is at http://knoxville.mycityfaces.com/n%2Atranced+hypnosis+and+guided+meditation/bus-309/. What is particularly refreshing about MyCityFaces.com, for anyone involved with social networking, is that you are not urged to upload all of your contacts. Sure you can invite your friends and colleagues, much like I am by posting this here on the blog, but the approach is lower key.

So for those of you with businesses, do consider adding yourself to the list (it is not relegated to just Tennessee). It is free. Currently, being that it is so new, I am rather alone out there. One could say it is lonely at the top (more like lonely in the awkwardness of being the first to arrive at a party).

And for those of you who just want a decent directory to look up providers for various things, check it out. I believe more people will be signing up rather quickly. You could also pass it along to other small business owners that you know.

Also, bloggers who blog for money, you could list yourself as a way to get more traffic to your site. Just a thought.

The Alignment of the 2012 Astrology

On December 21, 2012, there will be a galactic alignment that happens very infrequently (about every 26,000 years). This is what I believe is the main mystique behind all the 2012 hype. Do not read this believing that I am a nay-sayer. It may indeed be indicative of change, and change we certainly need, but I do think the astrological alignment is the backbone of it all.

Basically, we need to consider ground zero for this event. John Major Jenkins believes this will be at Izapa, located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is here, upon the ancient Maya ball grounds that the the aliment really takes shape. One December 21, 2012, the Solstice sun will rise in unison with the galactic center of the Milky Way.

If one is to look at the position of the Izapa ball field, the alignment is astounding. This includes paying attention to where the monuments were erected and how they faced. When on the ball field and looking north (toward the Tacaná Volcano) one can see the Big Dipper rise (the pole star is considered the polar center to the Maya) and fall over this. Then there are six council seats on the court that look over to the initiate or shamans seat. This person sits facing the horizon of the December sun. All the elements will align perfectly from this vantage point.

This goes hand in hand with the Astrology characters the creation myth provides. The Big Dipper represents Seven Macaw. The Milky Way represents the Underworld. The December Solstice Sun represent Hunaphu. With the rise and fall of the Big Dipper, it relates to the taking down of Seven Macaw. With the meeting of the Milky Way and the Solstice sun, it is the resurrection of One Hunaphu. The Milky Way passes the alignment and the Sun remains shining through.

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The Heart Library

As we are readying ourselves for today's Midweek RELAXation Session, this seems like a good time to share a resource. It is called the Heart Library. If you have ever wondered about symptoms of a heart having physical issues, this is a great place to start. It shows the inner workings of the heart and what happens during procedures such as Ablation.

All the more reasons to take some time out of your day and work on relaxation - even if it is just five minutes to clear your mind.


A Story Behind 2012

So, is the world going to end in 2012 or is it going to be something different? If you read this blog regularly you know I am currently doing a bit of reading on the Mayan calendar and what the whole 2012 date may mean for humanity. There is a vast amount of literature and research on the subject and as I become more aware of it all, I will do my best to describe it in a fashion that is somewhat readable.

Last week we talked a little about how humanity was derived from corn. So this week, let me tell you another Mayan story. This is a story of potential revelation.

Once upon a time, there was terrible and great ruler named Seven Macaw. Now Seven Macaw was actually is a false ruler from the previous World Age (see more about the Great Cycle). The true ruler was really a gentleman named One Hunahpu . However, he had lost his place as ruler during a ball game in the Under World (Xibalba). The Lords of the Underworld won the ball game therefore requiring One Hunahpuh and his brother, Seven Hunahpu, to be sacrifices. One Hunahpu's head was kept as a trophy.

But this was not the end of One Hunahpu . Oh no. Such greatness (even if he couldn't always win a ball game) does not go away so willingly. Xquic, a certain daughter of one of the lords of the underworld conceived the sacrificed ruler's children, known as the Hero Twins. She became pregnant when the decapitated head of One Hunahpu spat into her hand.

So Xquic returned to the upper world and raised her twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque with the help of One Hunahpu 's mother. The twins were extraordinary and there are many stories about them. However, in this particular story, it was up to the twins to avenge their father's death and bring down Seven Macaw. This did with an interesting twist. They knocked him out of Seven Macaw off his high perch by using a blow gun. this merely blew out the false ruler's teeth. in the process, Seven Macaw grab and ripped off Hunahpu's arms. The twins being a bit supernatural, summoned two gods to help retrieve the arm from the fallen ruler. The gods dressed up as elderly people making a living by being doctors and dentists. Seven Macaw asked them to fix his teeth and his eyes. But instead of providing healing, the gods replaced his teeth with, you guessed it, corn. They also removed all the jewels from around his eyes. They removed all of his former greatness and it is presumed Seven Macaw died form shame.

Now you may be asking yourself, how does a dead ruler come back to rule. They twins went to the Underworld and managed to remain in existence though put through many test by the Lords of the underworld. In fact they performed many acts of supernatural abilities. Basically the twins bested the Lords of the Underworld. The twins were able to change the status of Xibalba, causing man who walked above to never have to leave offerings to the Underworld.

What became of One Hunahpu? Well, the twins tried to reconstitute him, put him back together, but he just was not able to function.

So, how does this end? Well, some say that the twins left One Hunahpu there on the ball court of the Underworld, and they themselves ascended above the earth to become the sun and the moon.

But, some would say, this is not the end of this story. Some would say that it is only a matter of time before One Hunahpu is truly resurrected and returns...on December 21, 2012.

The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities from Sounds True, Inc. 2007.
The Popol Vuh



Are You Going Into Battle?

He sits there, body ridged and ready for combat in his BDU Pants. He will be strong. He is on the offensive. He is ready.

But ready for what? A tactical in Iraq?

Let me describe the setting a little more. Sunlight filters in. The couch he sits upon, waiting, is soft and comfortable. There is instrumental music wafting through the rooms, and all is quiet...except for his mind. It races. He is ready for whatever comes. He is prepared - or so he believes.

But the truth is, he is not, otherwise he would not be here, in my waiting room. He is here for a reason, be it smoking cessation, weight loss, nail biting, self-esteem boosting, or what-have-you and he needs a little help in doing so. For him, this is combat.

Only, I cannot help him. He is not ready to deal with me. Instead, he has come with another purpose and that is to debunk hypnosis. He wants to prove that he cannot be hypnotized. He is determined. And if I did not notice this, he would succeed with this wrong tactic stance.

Though this scenario is becoming rarer, people still come in, defenses up. I write this in hopes that those reading this may understand a little more about hypnosis and the mindset needed for it.

Ask yourself, if you are thinking about going to a hypnotist, why are you going? Is it because someone is hounding you to do so or you just want to prove that you cannot be hypnotize? If you are going because of the former, do not waste your money. Only go if you want to make a change, not because someone else wants you to. If it is the latter, do not waste your money. You will prove that you cannot be hypnotized.



Being Productive, Being Rewarded Contemplation

I have spent the morning reading blogs, answering email, and getting ready for the week. I am mostly guilty of reading other people's blogs. It is endlessly fascinating, but I do have to get to work eventually. This has led me to the path of this week's contemplation.

Think about the concepts that may cause you not to do the things you know you need to do - be it playing video games, reading, another cup of coffee please, or just chatting with co-workers. Granted, we all need to do these things occasionally, but do they ever get in the way of what you need to get done?

If so, think about what it is that you are doing that is disruptive of your time. Is it something you enjoy? If so, maybe it would be good to use it as a reward. If you get whatever you need to do done or to a certain point, then indulge for a set period of time.

So here is the contemplation:

I am productive and positive. When I am happy with the outcome of what I need to do, I am free to (insert the reward here). Only when I have accomplished what I need to accomplish, do I deserve to (insert reward here).



Feeling Crabby?

This keeps coming up, so I thought I would share it. Nope, it actually has little to do with hypnosis and more to do with healthy recipes and such. Being from Maryland originally (the western shore of the bay), everyone wants to know if I have a good crab cake recipe. And who am I not to oblige. I do have one, though it is not exactly the traditional Maryland Crab Cake, but a conglomeration of my favorites.

The N*tranced Crab Cake

6 oz. of pre-picked crab meat
1 cup of coarsely ground lite potato chips
3 tablespoons of horseradish sauce
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
A few shakes of black pepper
1 tablespoon butter

Pre-heat your boiler. Mix the crab meant, potato chips, horseradish sauce, mustard and pepper together. Divide the mixture into four clumps and pat each clump into a patty. Put the patties on a foil lined baking sheet. Divide the tablespoon of butter into fourths and put a forth on top of each crab cake. Then broil for about five minutes or until browned.



Corn People

Click here to see the video mentioned in this post.

You maybe thinking to yourself that this is old news - the whole Good Morning America about a documentary two college students are doing about the pervasiveness of corn in our lives. This includes what we ingest. And after looking for the story to post here, there seems to be a lot of sentiments and feelings about the idea that corn is in so much of what we eat. (It is true - go look in your pantries and refrigerator and notice how much high fructose corn syrup there is in there). Now I personally do not have anything against corn in general, but have tried to cut back on anything with high fructose corn syrup (my genetics may make me pre-disposed to diabetes).

But, really, I could not help but put this video on here, not so much for the health impact, but because it relates to my fascination with the Mayan Calendar. (See, I had not forgotten).

First, let me say that what struck my fancy in this video was the carbon testing they did on various people's hair. Apparently with such testing you can learn how much of your make-up (that is body, not the stuff you put on to look pretty) is corn-based. Diane Sawyer is 50%.

Interestingly enough, the idea of people being made out of corn relates to the Mayan Creation Myth. Not to simplify it too much, but in order not to write a dissertation, here's the gist. According to the The Popol Vuh, which is a text that references the Mayan Creation Myth, man is made from corn. Other substances were tried, such as mud and wood, but the true man was made out of yellow and white maze or cornmeal.

They came together in darkness to think and reflect. This is how they came to decide on the right material for the creation of man. ... Then our Makers Tepew and Q'uk'umatz began discussing the creation of our first mother and father. Their flesh was made of white and yellow corn. The arms and legs of the four men were made of corn meal.

There is much more to it all, but this is the part that totally relates to the GMA story. Man is made of corn. Our carbon make-up proves it.

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And the Winner of The Really Relax Contest is...

The Paisley Goddess - Ash Joie-Lee. Congrats!!!

We put all the entries in a hat bright and early this morning and drew her name. She will receive her choice of 4 CDs, a t- shirt and a relaxation eye pad.

The image to the left is an art piece by her. Please click on the link to see more of her work.



When Not to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

A few Tuesdays ago, we talked about the timing for actually setting up a hypnosis session. Today let's step back a bit more. How do you know when you need to make a change in your life when it seems so easy to just let sleeping dogs lie? Well, those dogs are not sleeping. They may look like it, but they have already begun to growl.

What am I getting at? I am talking about things that decay your sense of self-esteem. You may not even realize it is happening.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Do you feel as though people are tending to avoid talking to you?
  2. Do you find that you want to avoid looking at yourself in a mirror?
  3. Are you having to go to great lengths to hide a habit from your friends and family?
  4. Do you avoid things you used to enjoy (healthy things) because for some reason they now make you feel bad?
  5. Do you make excuses for your actions?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may mean your self-esteem is being affected. Now ask yourself - why did you answer yes to any of these questions. Are you happy with the answer?

If not, this is a time to look at making a change. It is your self-esteem that is in question. Sure, you can bury the information you just answered, but it is only going to make it worse. Rather, use the answers to be a catalyst for something new and positive. Imagine how it could be if you had answered (truthfully) no to those questions (and if you did, three cheers). There is, after all, only so many breath mints you can stomach to hide the breath of tobacco or alcohol. There are only so many times you can make yourself comfortable by buying larger clothes. There are only so many times you can use the same excuse before it plays like a broken record.

And from there, you have an answer to knowing it is indeed a time to make a change.
