Corn People

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You maybe thinking to yourself that this is old news - the whole Good Morning America about a documentary two college students are doing about the pervasiveness of corn in our lives. This includes what we ingest. And after looking for the story to post here, there seems to be a lot of sentiments and feelings about the idea that corn is in so much of what we eat. (It is true - go look in your pantries and refrigerator and notice how much high fructose corn syrup there is in there). Now I personally do not have anything against corn in general, but have tried to cut back on anything with high fructose corn syrup (my genetics may make me pre-disposed to diabetes).
But, really, I could not help but put this video on here, not so much for the health impact, but because it relates to my fascination with the Mayan Calendar. (See, I had not forgotten).
First, let me say that what struck my fancy in this video was the carbon testing they did on various people's hair. Apparently with such testing you can learn how much of your make-up (that is body, not the stuff you put on to look pretty) is corn-based. Diane Sawyer is 50%.
Interestingly enough, the idea of people being made out of corn relates to the Mayan Creation Myth. Not to simplify it too much, but in order not to write a dissertation, here's the gist. According to the The Popol Vuh, which is a text that references the Mayan Creation Myth, man is made from corn. Other substances were tried, such as mud and wood, but the true man was made out of yellow and white maze or cornmeal.
They came together in darkness to think and reflect. This is how they came to decide on the right material for the creation of man. ... Then our Makers Tepew and Q'uk'umatz began discussing the creation of our first mother and father. Their flesh was made of white and yellow corn. The arms and legs of the four men were made of corn meal.
There is much more to it all, but this is the part that totally relates to the GMA story. Man is made of corn. Our carbon make-up proves it.
Labels: Paranormal, Things You Should Know
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