How the Nine Maya Levels Work

This is in conjunction with yesterday's post - The Nine Under Worlds of the Maya.
Let’s imagine for a moment that we are looking at a Mayan pyramid. There before you are the nine levels and the many stairs leading up to the top. How do these relate to humanity and our evolution? According to Carl Johan Calleman, these blocks are all represented in one stream of evolution.
Take the bottom level. Within it you have life at the cellular level. On top of this goes the next level, primate. It is supported and grows out of the cellular. Both of these support, the third level where humans emerge. They are evolved from the primates, so within them are the cellular and primates. Now top this with spoken language, all the bottom levels are still present in this higher level. Then add the next level of the written word – all the other levels still exist with this new addition. From there we add industrialization. Again, the lower blocks are still involved. One top of this, I believe is technology.
But if we again consider the structure of the pyramid, each level is a bit smaller than the next; this corresponds to the idea that each level of evolution is a shorter time span. Evolution speeds up. How much? Twenty times. Each creation cycle (evolution) is 20 times shorter than the one on which it rest.
Let’s make this a little more complicated, though. Each level is still existing and unending. Where one begins the other does not stop. It keeps going, encompassing that which is upon it. Though we have not come to the eighth level just yet, the first level is still playing out. All will end at the same time. Take a guess when that is scheduled to be.
Labels: Mayan
I really think this is fascinating stuff. In keeping with the idea evolutionary stages, I've been pondering whether the concept of a "technological singularity" might somehow fit into all of this.
Briefly, it will occur when computer (artificial) intelligence exceeds human intelligence. No one is sure exactly what will happen then or when, but it could be the next iteration of our evolution. Maybe it will happen in 2012?
I think the idea of technological singularity does fit in. Peter Russell wrote a wonderful essay in 2012:Predications, Prophecies, & Possibilities about Singularity. In it he mentions Ray Kurzweil's argument that in 2020s, computers will reach the same intelligence as humanity. For their it could (would?) surpass us.
But, there is much that could happen between now and 2012, who knows maybe the equation will break down then. So, will humanity become a terminator generation where we become half man and half machine?
Dr. Calleman's math here:
Evolution of Consciousness here:
There's actually an article in the April issue of Wired that profiles Kurzweil. He does believe that one of the steps toward AI is going to be "human enhancement." It's interesting stuff, but there's a lot science still doesn't know about consciousness, so the writer was cautious about an impending singularity. Here's the link
This is an cool topic, "technological singularity coming soon, to a theater near you"..J/ added you to my blog roll in my blog titled "Struggling Parents"...
Greetings and maybe you could share your knowledge on 2012 and receive comment love over at our open minded blog, GO! Smell the flowers!
Male flower Jim here who proposed to his flower wife on Macchu Picchu....starting the title of our site and book...we need more open minded people like you!
Great blog you have and a big HI from Dubai!
Love n light.
Thanks for the various links and such everyone. This is truly great. Keep 'em coming and stay tuned.
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