A Non-hypnotic Resource for Saving Us Both Time

The thing that truly appeals to me about hypnosis is the idea that you can fix things inside yourself that need fixing or tweaking. These run the gamut. And then I look back and I realize, problem solving or fixing things has been a part of my life for a very long time. In my other incarnations, I have been an "IT" person (hey, that is cool, I always wanted to be an It girl) and did my own special brand of hypnosis on computers (call Apple, read the manuals, give it a go).
However, as a hypnotist, I am still my own IT person. Because I do a lot of my marketing and communication on line, I also end up being a client IT person as well. I will get calls with people asking what the Monday Contemplation was because they are getting
errors connecting to the Internet. Since this happens, I have had to look for a source that explains technology better than I can (there are only so many hours in a day). Hence, there is www.web-articles.info. They offer easy to understand tutorials and answers to these problems. It has an easy to find search button and over 1300 articles. It is a great resource. So, I suggest taking a look at them. It may save both of us time.
Labels: Resource
We share a common interest about the Mayan calender. Thanx for getting the word out. A better source of information on 2012 I'd recommend mayanmajix.com, go to the learning lab. Double page there, one at a time! Click on Lundgold's '04 english DVD and then hit the play button under the screen. N/C
Then set down and think about what it means to you, and you to the cosmos.
I'm seeing it's all about more people becoming aware of consciousness and not sweating the man-made experiment we live in.
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