Are You Going Into Battle?

He sits there, body ridged and ready for combat in his BDU Pants. He will be strong. He is on the offensive. He is ready.
But ready for what? A tactical in Iraq?
Let me describe the setting a little more. Sunlight filters in. The couch he sits upon, waiting, is soft and comfortable. There is instrumental music wafting through the rooms, and all is quiet...except for his mind. It races. He is ready for whatever comes. He is prepared - or so he believes.
But the truth is, he is not, otherwise he would not be here, in my waiting room. He is here for a reason, be it smoking cessation, weight loss, nail biting, self-esteem boosting, or what-have-you and he needs a little help in doing so. For him, this is combat.
Only, I cannot help him. He is not ready to deal with me. Instead, he has come with another purpose and that is to debunk hypnosis. He wants to prove that he cannot be hypnotized. He is determined. And if I did not notice this, he would succeed with this wrong tactic stance.
Though this scenario is becoming rarer, people still come in, defenses up. I write this in hopes that those reading this may understand a little more about hypnosis and the mindset needed for it.
Ask yourself, if you are thinking about going to a hypnotist, why are you going? Is it because someone is hounding you to do so or you just want to prove that you cannot be hypnotize? If you are going because of the former, do not waste your money. Only go if you want to make a change, not because someone else wants you to. If it is the latter, do not waste your money. You will prove that you cannot be hypnotized.
Labels: Tuesday Tips
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