My City Face

Visit me in cyberville at, a brand web site that promotes local businesses. It seems to be part social network and part directory, like an easy to read service and sales directory.
My profile is at What is particularly refreshing about, for anyone involved with social networking, is that you are not urged to upload all of your contacts. Sure you can invite your friends and colleagues, much like I am by posting this here on the blog, but the approach is lower key.
So for those of you with businesses, do consider adding yourself to the list (it is not relegated to just Tennessee). It is free. Currently, being that it is so new, I am rather alone out there. One could say it is lonely at the top (more like lonely in the awkwardness of being the first to arrive at a party).
And for those of you who just want a decent directory to look up providers for various things, check it out. I believe more people will be signing up rather quickly. You could also pass it along to other small business owners that you know.
Also, bloggers who blog for money, you could list yourself as a way to get more traffic to your site. Just a thought.
Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!
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