A Breakfast of Frequency with the Aliens

Theorist José Argüelles believes that we are and have been in a galactic frequency beam since 3113 BC. Guess when this period of the beam ends? Did you guess 2012? Boy, you catch on quickly. LOL.
Here's a delightfully fun view of Mayan history. The Maya were not of this planet. Yes, indeed they were aliens, aliens with a purpose. And basically, we may have four more years to figure it out what it was. The theory is that the first Maya (seed Maya if you will), came to this planet and left observations about seven other planetary systems where they have navigated. Once they had finished leaving information about our relationship with these seven other planets and the great beam, they were done.
So let us ponder a few things. We must ask ourselves why did the Mayan Great Cycle start on August 13, 3113 BC when their civilization began to flourish between 100-300 AD? If the Mayan calendar was just merely to be used for planning purposes, such as when to plant crops, etc., why is there such a gap between the beginning and the civilized time? Perhaps the Long Count came first and a pattern was recognized for crop production within it. Perhaps the calendar is something else - a code. If one takes the 260-day count, such as Argüelles does, and makes it into a matrix with 260 units, it coincides with the timing of the Great Cycle as well with that being 260 katuns (20 years to one katun). This is the same as the day cycle. It is then possible that the calendar is like a periodic table of galactic frequencies.
Basically this Great Beam is made out of a frequency that is generated from the galactic core and is mediated through the sun. The beam in itself is 5, 125 years wide and the same in diameter. Now if we look closely at the idea of resonance, we know that there are certain factors involved including the notion that resonance produces waves or vibratory cycles. When these reach a certain point, they become form or matter.
Also, this beam has frequency waves that rise and fall like those in our oceans. And like the ocean waves, there is a breaking point. When was the breaking point of our galactic beam? To be exact, it was August 16 and 17, 1987. Do you remember where you were then? (I was starting my first year away from home, a totally different consciousness).Heck, were you even born? LOL.
Now we are just waiting for the wave to cascade into our shore and that will happen in 2012. What will that mean? Will we be able to decode the Mayan code? Will it advance us?
Or maybe, just maybe advancing means devolving (in human terms). Think of animals and how they adapt to nature much more easily than we do. We need comforts like clothing, shelter, and such. But does this make us out of harmony, out of resonance with the galaxy? Have we grown too reliant on technology? Maybe we are using too many of our resources to power these advancements, and as Argüelles points out, have we spent those resources during one large binge? Are we letting technology clog our own receptors to being in balance with the universe?
He begs us to wake up and decide what fate we want for our plant.
Labels: Mayan, Paranormal
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