The Nine Under Worlds of the Maya

So, put on your fancy Tights and let's dance backwards a bit. You know the steps. Just relax and let them come naturally. We are not done waltzing with the Maya myths just yet. Feel free to wear the most funky tights you can find (after all a new consciousness needs a certain hipness). And let's step off at the Hero twin myth and stop at the idea of the underworlds. In this particular underworld, there was a ball game play, a little decapitation, and later, some triumph.
But what if there were more than one underworld. What if there were nine of them? Nine is a prominent number in the universe – nine planets, nine worlds in the Norse cosmos, and nine worlds in Hopi Indian lore. But what if they were more than just places where the dead go?
What if instead the nine underworlds were different creation cycles? The bottom underworld would represent the consciousness of matter, the Big Bang, if you will. The next would be the consciousness of the first primates. The third would give us the first humans and the forth spoken language. The next would be written language. Industrialization would be the next, and the remaining are unknown at the current time. That would place us in industrialization (though Peter Russell might extend that we have entered the technological time frame, which could very well be the next level).
Think about it for a few moments. Note the levels in the pyramids of the Mayans – nine. Seems significant and maybe these play a key role in unlocking the Maya math and what it means.
Labels: Mayan
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