More to Calleman's Nine Under Worlds

I have blogged at bit in the recent past about the Under World’s of the Maya that are based on theories by Carl Johan Calleman. I last left you with all levels of consciousness or the nine Under Wworlds of the Maya coming to fruition in the next few years. But there is another date that rears its voice in this system of thought. Remember I left you with the question of when all the levels will be completed on our nine tiers of evolution? That date is October 28, 2011. Ha. Bet you thought it was going to be 2012. So now are you wondering why I still have 2012 all over this blog? Read on.
When the sunrises on October 28, 2011, there will be a new consciousness on Earth or so this theory goes. It will be a time of harmony. No more conflicts – inner or outer. Nirvana. Heaven.
However, this is not so easily done. Some are preparing now. Some will give in then, but ultimately it means surrendering our egos. Like most theories of evolution, this is no different. The ego has to be reckoned with before one reaches a state of finding the divine within. It must be override and must not continue to rule our being. Think of it this way. The ego came about in our evolution process to help us feel the need to survive and propagate. It helps bridge the duality of our selves in that there is conscious self and the one the is the higher self. The conscious self’s ego driven, the higher self is greater than that. It is the part of us that tangos with divinity.
Because there will be an energy and frequency shift on October 28, 2011, the duality will not be able to exist within it. Many will rise to their inner greatness, while some will have problems. Hence 2012. The time between these dates is the allotted for the transitions of consciousness. After this, there will be no time. It will be unnecessary because e we will live from moment to moment. No more dwelling on the past or needing to forgive.
And again, I’m not preaching here. I am merely sharing with you a view for future consciousness.
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