
Be n*tranced 2

It has been seven weeks since Be n*tranced 1 made its debut into the world of podcasts. The response has been wonderful and unexpected. So...finally...here is Be n*tranced 2. This cast's subject is dedicated to my sister-in-law, who suffers from migraines. Using visualization techiniques and guided meditation, Be n*tranced 2 works on pain reduction.

Our special guest is composer Mark Scher. This podcast features his current project "Yawn Birds". We'll talk about his inspirations and challenges faced in creating hypnotherapy music. To contact Mark for other creative projects, comments, etc., feel free to add a comment to this post or email him at changeandgrow@yahoo.com.


Go Gentle Into That Goodnight

n*tranced has gone into the realm of Cd production and has just released "Go Gentle Into That Goodnight: Helping sleep come easier." If you have sleep issues such as your thoughts become the dictator of no sleep and run on incessantly or you just don't feel rested upon awakening, this Cd is for you. L.S. King takes you into a gentle world of relaxation and hypnotic suggestion to help make the most of your sleep time.

To learn more, go to http://www.n-tranced.com/cd.html