
What Was Lost Is Now Found

Have you ever lost your car keys for hours? Ever taken off a ring, left it somewhere and cannot remember where? Lost that important phone number someone wrote down on the back of a scrap piece of paper and now it is gone? Whether large or small, significant or trivial – if you misplaced it, your subconscious mind knows exactly where it is located. It is just a matter of accessing this information.

N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation has just released What Was Lost Is Now Found, a new self-hypnosis audio product. Available in an MP3 download or an audio CD, this latest product’s focus is on finding or remembering where misplaced objects are located. Using relaxation methods to induce a hypnotic state and then a calendar regression technique, where you visualizes or imagine a life calendar, we help you become an internal detective. Once the clues are followed and the location of the misplaced object determined, you will come back to normal consciousness and the location is revealed to your conscious mind. Both audios offer you the choice of using the product before falling asleep, giving you a cue of when to turn off your listening device, or to return to normal consciousness directly.

The subconscious mind is a store house of all the information we experience, even if we do not remember or recall it easily. Through regression hypnosis, a person’s subconscious mind is accessed for the information. Then it communicates this with the conscious mind, and mystery is solved.

The download is $7.50 and the CD is $15. Both can be ordered at www.n-tranced.com.

This audio is 36 minutes in length.


No midweek RELAXation Session on 10/25/06

Just a note to say that there will be no Midweek RELAXation Session on Wednesday, October 25, 2006.

There will be one on Wednesday, November 1, 2006.

To learn more about our RELAXation sessions, go to www.n-tranced.com.


Be n*tranced 15 - Looking Back and Forward

Click here to download Be n*tranced 15 - Looking Back and Forward.

Do you believe in reincarnation? How about genetic memories? Or what about the mind latching onto something from someone else and then influences you profoundly? These are the questions that Be n*tranced 15 – Looking Back and Forward discusses along with the exploration of past life regression.
This podcast features:

* A few theories on what past life regression accesses, what it is, how it is done, all followed up with a few famous examples of past life regression experiences.
* A guided meditation that looks forward, rather than back, with an autumn relaxation theme and helps you identify what life path you are roaming.
* A few notes including a past life regression group session on October 17; two more Self-hypnosis workshops on October 19 and November 15; no Midweek RELAXation Sessions on October 25 or November 8; and the news about our latest download What Was Lost is Now Found.

To learn more about or to register for our past life regression session, go to www.n-tranced.com/pastlife.html.

To learn more about or to register for our self-hypnosis workshops, go to www.n-tranced.com/sh.html.

To learn more about or to order our latest audio What Was Lost Is Now Found, go to www.n-tranced.com/cd.html.

Special thanks to Frenz for both musical compositions hear on this podcast. The first is Autumn and the second is Scott’s Fate. To learn more about this artist, click here.


A Better Recording of Be n*tranced 14 - Life and Other Goals

Click here to download the corrected audio of be n*tranced 14.

Many apologies to those who tried to listen to the Be n*tranced 14 audio. It has been corrected and N*tranced is now using a new quality control process to achieve and maintain a higher standard of recording.