
A Health Insurance Resource

Healthcare insurance is an interesting idea. Ultimately it is a stress in itself, unless you have it paid through your company or live in a country where medicine is more socialized (and I have heard horror stories about that as well). The paper work and application process can be a nightmare, not mention if you have issues like allergies, depression or carpal tunnel in your past. The prices are high and list goes on and on.

From my point of view as a hypnotist, I am often asked if I take insurance. I do not for similar reasons to the ones listed above, as well as many health insurance companies do not accept hypnosis in their treatment plans (that may change once I finish with the college process). There is also a psychological reason why many of us do not wish our clients to use insurance. But that will have to be for another post.

With all that said, insurance questions seem to be a routine part of my life. Many clients who come to me have health problems and are in need of family insurance policies of one sort of another. Should they go with a medical savings account or traditional healthcare options? They had that illness in the past and are presently dealing with something awful. It may not seem like insurance is in my realm, and it is truly not, but it happens so often I thought it should be addressed.

One potential option for finding reasonable insurance is to use an online source such as Advantage Healthcare Quotes. I cite them because they are designed as a resource for most of the United States and offer several different polices from reputable sources. It is a way to see several options rather than one.

This is meant to be a resource, and do remember, currently, I am unable to accept insurance.


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This policy is valid from 19 December 2007

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15 Reasons To Try Hypnosis

1. You may really, really relax.
2. You may feel better about yourself.
3. You may visit places from your past (or not).
4. You may visit wonderful lands, both real and not so real.
5. You may remember something important.
6. You may begin to sleep better.
7. You may let go of a habit you no longer wish to keep.
8. You may be able to hear yourself much better.
9. You may change something for the better.
10. You may wish to release something that you have been holding onto for a long time.
11. You may find an inner adviser who knows you better than anyone.
12. You may find forgiveness for others.
13. You may find forgiveness for yourself.
14. You may begin to affect bodily changes.
15. You may like the world a little more.

What is Really Going On

Many of you have written emails asking when the next podcast is coming out, as well as new downloads because you have noticed I have been a bit on hiatus. You may have also noticed that I am not doing the holiday marketing I did last year (for those of you who were waiting for this opportunity to buy the downloads, I do apologize...but you never know what will happen on World Hypnotism Day).

Here is what is happening: I am currently working on my Master's degree in transpersonal psychology and decided to up the anti on my course load. As it turns out it has lessened my time in realms such as marketing and recording.

What I hope to do is get back to it all, as well as making this blog a little more useful. The latter I can do more so immediately. I also think I may change directions a bit. Sure we will still talk about hypnosis, but I think we will also include a little bit about what I am learning while I am pursuing my degree, thus maybe making this a bit more personal. If Ken Wilber can do it on his website, so can I.

So stay posted...