Is Debt Freedom and Happiness the Same Thing?

I hear two things fairly often in my comings and goings around the office. The first thing I hear is something to the tune of "I want to be happier." The second refrain is stress about debt. Now you probably are already guess the chorus. If I only had no debt, I'd be happier. The assumption seems to be that these two things are related.
Well, there isn't much I can do about the debt problem as I am not a credit counselor. I can suggest various ideas to help straighten out the debt such as paying attention to credit cards and credit cards rating. You can use a site like Credit Card Club to learn the nitty gritty behind the plastic in your wallet. It might even inspire you to lessen your credit card load and get rid of the ones that nag you with high interests rates, fees, etc. But beyond that, I can't help lessen the current debt.
shopping, What I can also do is help you get to the bottom of some financial bad habits (compulsivecompeting with the neighbors, those sorts of things) and help you transform your life with better habits. So here is the thing - you will get different results in a hypnosis session depending on your goals. If you ask for help in attaining happiness, the end product may have little to do with finances. If you want to work on your spending habits, that we can accomplish. Will it bring happiness with it? Maybe, maybe not. The happiness would be a side-affect.
To make the most out of your session, have a goal in mind and share it with the hypnotist. Do not assume he or she will be able to help you manifest anything other than what you tell them. Know what it is you seek. Things may be related and you may learn a lot more about yourself, but do not assume this will be the case.
I have had clients who come to me with the goal of working on their patience in a relationship. What I have come to find out in one case, after the fact, they were actually looking to be happier in their relationship. This had little to do with patience in the end.
So again, have a direct outcome you would like to gain in a hypnosis session. Be sure to disclose it to the hypnotist and make sure they understand its importance. You will be more apt to get teh results of which you are expecting.
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