The Serpent and the Dreamspell

A source of fear, it slithers forward with undulating power. A shimmering icon of something somewhat alien and the cause of nightmares. It lurks in the shady murky, ready to strike. Or does it? Maybe it is a harbinger of wisdom, a sign of survival, or maybe temptation. The serpent.
And I am a serpent (quiet down, you who know me). It is my galactic signature, my kin.
If you are lost, this is another post about 2012. But before we discuss my snakelike charm, lets talk a little more about the Maya calendar. There is a modern incarnation of it called Dreamspell. This is the brain child of Dr. José Argüelles and his wife. Randy Bruner produced the first calendar in July 26, 1992. This is based on a 13 moon system. According to Randy Bruner, it works as follows:
The secret of time is that it is the 4th dimension. The codes of time are found in the sacred calendar of the classic Maya, known as the Tzolkin. Within the cycle of the 260 day Tzolkin there is a 13 day galactic cycle, associated with the "galactic tones" and a 20 day solar cycle, associated with the solar tribe glyphs. These two smaller cycles turn together and overlap to form the 260 day cycle. This is the cycle of 4th dimensional time, which comes into the solar system from the galaxy. It runs concurrently with the 365 day cycle of the year, to create 4th dimensional time as it applies to this solar system.
Then there is the kin oracle - a system to help you chart your course in conjunction with a higher-purpose. To learn what yours is click here.
Labels: Maya
Wow. Dd you ever provide me with a new education. I'll have to ponder on this for a while. Thanks for the new information to digest. I love learning each day.
2012 and the Mayan calendar are subjects that fascinate me.
I can remember back in 1989 not being able to fathom 1999, much less the year 2000... how could the Mayans really wrap their heads around the concept of 2012?
wow* i did not know U* i always thought U were a Dude or a Guy!!
Snakes Alive********
I am fascinated by the Maya having been Lucky to visit Chichen Itza + Tulum*
I'm "magnetic dragon" ... although I'm not quite sure what that means :).
Glad you all are enjoying.
ssgreylord and mo - this does take some thought on what it all really means. But I like the idea of reinterpreting time systems.
billywarhol - I maybe a serpent, but I am a female one. LOL.
franscud - hmmmm. Are you a red magnetic dragon? If so, that is the first day of a new cycle...
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