
There are the big holidays we all either know about and celebrate or just let barely past our consciousness. These are events like Christmas or Passover. Then there are the days that are sort of known like Mari Gras and Purim. Sometimes we even think about days like the Chinese New Year or Cinco de Mayo. But what about Wesak?
Now don't get me wrong, I am not preaching Buddhism at you, just bringing an interesting day to light. Wesak is a day for celebrating Buddha and it is upon us. It happens on the first full moon in May. Souledout.org says it happens exactly on Sunday, April 20 at 3:25 am PDT.
Many in the New Age World believe this is a time when particularly positive energy is available to us. It happens 12 hours before and within twelve hours after this particular time.
This would be a great time to make sure we are all thinking positively.
Source: The BBC
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