How trendy are you?
Here is something to think about: are you trendy? Seriously? Do you have to have the latest, coolest fashions like Roca Wear Boots or whatever else is deemed coolest at the moment?
Why am I asking this on a hypnosis blog or more exactly, why am I asking this on a Tuesday? Well, it is simple, especially since this is the weekly post where we talk about ways for you to have a positive hypnosis experience. If you are a trendy sort then it helps define what currently motivates you and motivation is a really important part of the hypnosis process.
It works two ways.
- It may be an indicator of why you chose to try hypnosis or not. It could be that the real reason behind why you chose to go - because those around you think it is cool. Now this can be a good thing, provided that you really want to make a certain change. If you do not want to make the change, then it will be a waste of your money and time.
- However, if you find the only reason you are not going to a hypnotist is because it isn't cool, but believe it can help you, than sticking to this trend is bad. It means that you are letting someone else stand between your personal success or failure.
Everything in life can work for or against you. Look at your life and take notice. For instance, there is a trend to clean up our acts and stop smoking. Many who come to me for smoking cessation mention how badly they feel they are treated by non-smokers. This motivates many to eventually give it up. It helps. Or how about clothing. Sure there are companies who make larger fashions, but the labels that the populace favor often exemplify those who are in great shape. This can be a motivating factor to lose weight. If one does not chose these trends, it can impact one's self-esteem and marketers would have it that your self-esteem improves with being able to use their products. And sometimes, it can work to our advantage.
Just notice what motivates you and let it help you make the changes you want to make.
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