5 Ways to Have a Successful Hypnosis Session

Sometimes I have the urge to say that experiencing hypnosis is not rocket science. It is not harder than waiting tables. But then for some, it is like rocket science or learning to wait tables. The positive thing for these folks is that if you wanted to be a rocket scientist, you could. You could go to college and study it. If you wanted to be part of a wait staff, you could learn from training or DVDs. So, if you can do both of those things, you can be good at reaping the benefits of hypnosis.
1. You could research it (on blogs and such like this one) and learn what it is and is not.
2. You can research hypnotists and find one with whom you are comfortable.
3. Follow the hypnotist's instructions. That should really help. If you find you are going into a session and feel fearful or untrusting of the hypnotist, go to another one.
4. Do not expect to have an experience like those shown on popular television fiction. Ask the hypnotist about this if he or she has not given you an idea about what to expect.
5. The more you use hypnosis the better it becomes. You might even want out some self-hypnosis programs.
And at the end of the session, maybe you will not understand jet propulsion, but you can look at it as if it were a glass of wine, filled with your beverage of choice. Not only will your glass be half filled, it will be totally full.
Labels: Tuesday Tips
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