The Site of the Number

We have talked about this and that and various ideas about what is behind the Maya 2012 date. The theories have ranged from celestial movements, frequency shifts, aliens, and the nine levels of consciousness. But what does the calendar, the Maya calender specifically say about December 21, 2012?
Basically December 21, 2012 is the last day of the current Bak’tun (also known as as Pik in ancient times). It is also the 13 Pik in the great scheme of the cycle that began on August 11, 3114. BC. Robert Sitler sees this as a date in a larger cycle of life. In fact, the date of this 13 Pik only appears as a reference on one of the ancient monuments.
Monument #6 at Tortuguero in Tabasco, Mexico is where this reference lies.
David Stuart translates it:
…uhtiiy waxak Chuwen b’olon(te’) Mak
hekwaniiy K’anjalnaah
Upib’naah Ahkal K’uk’.
Cha’ b’olon winikij ux ha’b’ waxak winikha’b’(?) ux pik
tzuhtz-(a)j-oom u (w)uxlajuun pik
(ta) chan Ajaw ux(te’) Uniiw
uhtoom ..?..
ye..?.. B’olon Yookte’ ta ..?..
…(long ago) it happened, the day Eight Chuwen, the ninth of Mak
when the Becoming-Ripe-House was constructed(?).
It was the ‘underground house’ (shrine) of (the god) Ahkal K’uk’.
It was two and nine-score days, three years, eight-score years and 3 x 400 years
(before) the Thirteenth Bak’tun will end
on Four Ajaw, the third of Uniiw,
when ..?.. it will occur,
the descent..?.. of B’olon Yookte’ at ..?..
There you have it – December 21, 2012. Oh, and maybe you are wondering who is this B’olon Yookte? He is mostly associated with war and conflict and the Creation Myth (one of the under World Lords?). but he is also seen on the Vessel of the Seven Lords, which is where the 3114 BC date (where the begining date of the Great Cycle came got its start). Perhaps this is where the whole destruction and regeneration theme in 2012 is based. (2)
Illustration by Sven Gronemeyer
Labels: Mayan
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