
Will Rigoberta Menchú be Part of The 2012 Prophecy?

If you were anything like me, you might have been under the misunderstanding that the Maya are extinct. In reality there are more than 10 million modern Maya in the world today.

So here is the question: is the whole 2012 phenomenon mostly the New Age community being hopefully optimistic for a positive consciousness shift or is it truly anchored in the Maya belief system?

A time of great change, however, is not far removed from many of the Maya, even though it may not be centered on 2012. There are several references that relate the notion of significant change, in which after great warfare the Maya society will see a new dawn, such as the story from the Chilam Balam as Robert Sitler writes in The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities.

These ideas are filled with the same optimism the 2012 New Age groups hope for, but maybe, just maybe, this is more of a Maya for Maya prophecy. Maybe it is theirs. They have been an oppressed society for so long. They have watched their rain forest dwindle away, their culture begin to disappear, so maybe it is time for them to come into their own again.

Here is a little food for thought, though I cannot truly substantiate this. The Guatemalan president in 2012 maybe the first Maya president of that country. Though the 1992 Pulitzer Prize winner ran in 2007 and did not get elected, Rigoberta Menchú may well be the contender for the elections in 2011. (1)

Source: New York Times



At 11:48 PM , Blogger ctdweller said...

For a while her enemies floated unsavory statements about her book and her story but then again, controversy and all, the Noble Peace Price was extolled to be really hers.


At 3:17 PM , Blogger n*tranced said...

I guess when one decides to be a political figure...well...enter politics, good and bad.


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