
We all seem to get notions in our head and here we are, writing and reading, clicking and moving on, and we make no mention of the origins of our ideas. In my quest to become a transpersonal psychologist (I'll always be a hypnotist), it occurs to me that I should honor my origins for my 2012 passion. I did not just stumble upon it all; it came directly into my consciousness from a particular source.
A bit over a year ago, I became part of a group known as the Fortean Society. It is a group of individuals, who meet once a week to discuss tales of the weird and strange, ghosts, conspiracy theories, crop circles, and UFOs. Normally we meet at a charming book store called Southland's in Maryville, Tennessee (check first, sometimes we meet else where). It is a great way to wind down at the end of the day - get a decent cup of coffee (maybe a home-made cinnamon roll), browse the paranormal books, and enjoy in the good company of other open-minded souls or people who are respectful of other's thoughts and ideas.
Well, it was at one particular meeting that 2012 came up. Maybe it was David Icke or a Discovery Channel show that we were centered on, but there it was, something odd about 2012. From there the rest is history.
But, Jason, our fearless leader of the Forteans has just begun a 2012 blog. It is still in its infancy, but if it is anything like the man behind it, it will prove to be very thought provoking (I mean that in the kindest of ways). So, please consider stopping by and visiting with him.
5/16/08 Update: If you tried to visit Jason's 2012 blog and found the link did not work, we have updated it.
Labels: Maya, Paranormal
Thanks for the kind words for myself and the Forteans. I hope you enjoy the Fortean meetings - you're kind of my weathergauge. Hopefully we'll continue to have a lot of interesting discussions as time slips by. See you Tuesday...
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