
The Madisonville Crop Circles

2007 Madisonville Crop Circle

While watching something on HGTV, I notice a garden being designed in the format of a crop circle. Though this is old news, some of you might not have heard it and it seems timely, somehow.

Last year, in Madisonville, TN, a true, unman-made crop circle appeared in a wheat field. It was truly amazing and beautiful to behold.

Then again this year, another one appeared nearby. Wow.

However, the WOW is greatly dismissed this time around. It seems that this latest one was man-made. Oh well.

Now you are probably wondering how I know this. Easy. The Independent Crop Circle Researchers' Association came down to investigate both circles and gave a public lecture on their findings.

Here are a few factors that real natural crop circles have in common:

  • The growth nodes on the plants within the circle are elongated, unnaturally so.
  • There is more radioactivity measured within the circle than outside of it, as well as elevated EMF readings.
  • Most appear on the down slope of a field.
  • They are near a water source.
  • They are near power lines.
  • They are near Native American Burial Mounds.
  • There are rarely pathways into the circle when first found.

The first crop circle met all this criteria. The second did not. There were pathways (and sprayer lines) and there were no changes in the nodes of the plants (they did 700 plant samples). The ICCRA speculated that it probably took someone two hours to create the second one, and it was fairly simplistic.

There is quite a bit more, but you get the general idea.

Sadly, despite the fact that these circles may be interesting, they actually hurt farmers. It is one thing when it occurs by an act of something other than a human, but when copy cats go out into the field, they are syphoning away a farmer's profits.

Just some interesting local stuff.



At 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so neat, especially about them being by Native American burial grounds. I love paranormal stuff. Thanks for sharing.


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