
Be n*tranced

Broadcasting relaxation radio to your head. Stressed? Be n*tranced by L.S. King, certified hypnotist and enjoy a few minutes of progressive relaxation. Striving to take the fear out of this alternative healing practice, these podcasts will lead you through the hypnosis process.

Be n*tranced #1 explores the relaxation history centering on the Edmon Jacobson's progressive relaxation technique, where muscles are tensed and then released to help drain the body of tension. The thought is that by relaxing the physical body, mental tension is released.

Click here to listen to our podcast.

Welcome to n*tranced


Think about it.

You have thought about it, haven't you? Wondered about it? Perhaps have thought, "what if?" Perhaps tried it? Wondered if you could be hypnotized? Wondered what it would be like?

Well, it is pretty awesome...and it is pretty simple. It can make you feel more relaxed, help you accomplish personal goals and all in all - change your world.

So...stay tuned. This blog is all about the hype of hypno, its cans and can'ts.

Feel free to ask any questions on the subject.

Keep up with our postings and podcast at http://www.n-tranced.com/atom.xml