
Minimizing the Risk

It is all very well to hear me preaching about the benefits of hypnosis, mediation, and RELAXation sessions, but what does it all translate to personally? Of course it is a great way to make changes, increase self-esteem, sleep better, learn about the inner mind, but it is also a great way to add relaxation to your life. That is why we do RELAXation Sessions at the office. Studies have shown that using guided meditation and relaxation can help minimize the effects of stress. How does this affect you? It can help to lower blood pressure and literally decrease emotional stress.

But to make it all a little clearer and bring home the idea of why it is important to lower blood presser and reduce stress, maybe learning about problems such as Sudden Cardiac Arrest would help. You could spend the rest of your life with an ICD Implant, a personal defibrillator that is implanted within your chest to help regulate the rhythms of the heart. It is a wonderful advancement in human health, but it is also good to know about how it works (distributes an electrical shock when the rhythm gets away from its normal pace) and why itmight be good to maintain your health before getting to that point.

St. Jude Medical has a very informative site about the heart and Sudden Cardiac Arrest at www.insidecardiacarrest.com.

Here are the risk factors they mention:

  • Stress
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Excess weight
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • High fat diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle

All of these can be worked on with hypnotic techniques to help lessen their impact on your health.


More About Fire Walking

Did you watch GMA yesterday and see Diane Sawyer walk across hot coals? She used self-hypnosis to help her do so.

In looking at other blogs about this, someone stated that fire walking is a somewhat explainable phenomenon (not getting burned) and asked what the big deal was about the hypnosis. Good question.

I have looked into it (and have know people who have done this) and there is no illusion to walking across hot coals. This is not a fakir trick. But what I have gleaned from it, is that the coals used should be low heat capacity. Also, the idea is to keep moving briskly across the coals and in some cases, people use water as an insulator against the coal - wetting the feet and then walking across them.

That is the deal. The question now is - would you walk across hot coals? Would there still be fear? Sure, you know intellectually it is possible, but is that enough?

For a lot of people, it is not enough. This is when self-hypnosis and words such as "mind over matter" come into effect. It becomes much less about the hot coals and more about conquering fear, maintaining control of one's self, and empowering one's self to do what seems very complicated (or dangerous).

And now I must put in a disclaimer. L.S. King and N*tranced do not recommend or endorse fire walking. People do still get burned on occasion. So, do not try this at home.



Heads Up - Watch GMA Wednesday Morning

For those interested, tomorrow morning on Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer and some of the other staff are going to use self-hypnosis to walk across hot coals. They have been working with a psychologist from Stanford University to be able to do this. He worked with them independently to see how susceptible they are to his techniques.

In looking at brain scans when the mind is in a hypnotic state, pain centers are almost inactive.

The hypnosis process has also been well-described:

Hypnosis has been called 'believed in imagination.' It's a form of highly focused attention," said Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford University. "You control what you focus on and what effect it has on you and your body.
Source: ABC News



Hypnosis By Phone or Video

Many of my colleagues do hypnosis with clients over the phone. Many of you have asked if I would do the same. At this point in time, I have not, but I have begun to consider doing so. My reasons for not doing so or considering it have been based on several factors including cell phone outages, distractions that are uncontrollable outside my office environment (not being interrupted by family members, neighbors, etc.), and not being able to see the client and pace them properly. However, it has occurred to me that there are people who would probably be able to relax a lot more using the phone rather than coming to the office. I just need to come up with a plan for dropped calls and distractions.

One thought, though more of a nice dream, would be to use IP Video Conferencing or some sort of video system. If it were really clear with high definition video or sound, I think pacing the session would be pretty normal, very close to being in the same room.

So, if you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. This includes ideas for minimizing distractions that are normally controlled in the office environment or if you would be interested in such a service.


Monday Contemplation - Weeding Out The Negative

The day proceeds. You begin to listen to yourself.

I do not like this. I do not like that.
A criticism here. A criticism there.
Negative, negative, negative.

And maybe, just maybe, you do not want to feel so negative, but it is as though the outside negativity has become inside negativity and it runs through your mind like a rampant weed.

This week's contemplation is a prelude to the Spring (we can all use a little of it, it seems) and the upcoming gardening season. Even if you do not enjoy getting your hands dirty with the earth, a little inner gardening can be quite useful. With that, here is today's contemplation:

I pull out the weeds of negativity by their roots leaving more room for positive thoughts to grow.

Just take a few moments whenever you feel a little negative, take a deep breath in and imagine pulling out an ugly root from where ever you feel the negativity resides within you. Just image pulling it out and exhale. You do not have to hang onto your (or anyone else's) negativity. There is always another breath to let it go and begin again.




Do you ever wonder about the nutritional value of your own personal recipes? All hype seems to say that home cooked meals, often made from scratch are better for you rather than processed foods. But even in our present fighting of the ferocious poundage, how healthy are our personal recipes?

Interestingly enough there is a way to find out. There is a social networking site for food enthusiast (or the food obsessed). It allows the sharing of recipes, as well as a nutritional analysis of the recipe and it is all free. You can create cookbooks and save your favorites. Have family far away? You can still share family favorites through this site and remain organized. For those who trust the opinions of other's, there is also a review system in place for each recipe. Visit www.foodconnect.com to see how it works.

Here is their press release:

www.foodconnect.com is the ultimate tool for every foodie.

What makes foodconnect.com so great? These and many other features:

- Free nutritional analysis, for all recipes on the site and every recipe you submit.
- Share your recipes with your friends and other foodies.
- Discuss recipe ideas and techniques.
- Plan your meal and easily print off your shopping list.
- Create the perfect dinner party

All of this and much more and best of all its all free. Get to foodconnecct.com to get started today.


Levels in the Great Chain of Being

Since I have been sharing with you the consciousness views of Ken Wilber in the form of his Great Chain of Being, it might good to give you a break down of the Chain itself. You know, as I read Up From Eden, I rebelled against Wilber's writing style (more towards academia) because the only way I could comprehend it was to rewrite the concepts paragraph by paragraph in my notes. But since then, I guess it is resonating. Am I sold on his philosophies? I am not so sure, but they seem plausible.

The Great Chain of Being is a rather complicated affair (hence his several books about it). But rather than spending all the blog space explain its nuances (do a web search on him and you will find out more), let's look at the levels in general.

  1. Level One is "nature” or uroboric (I just like that word). It is an infantile state. One's consciousness is that of being in a state where you do not discern yourself from anything else.

  2. Level Two is "body" or typhonic. Consciousness begins to separate one's awareness from everything else, but it is as though one is the center of the universe. Awareness of body and self begin here.

  3. Level Three is "early mind" or mythic membership. Consciousness in this area is very superstitious, thus magical. This is a "joiner" or "follower" state of consciousness.

  4. Level Four is "advanced mind" or mental-egoic. This is where Wilber feels most of us are in consciousness evolution. The ego or separate-self (individualism) reigns supreme. This is what Eckhart Toll says we need to get past.

  5. Level Five is "physic". This is where consciousness is expanded intuitively.

  6. Level Six is "subtle" or saintly.

  7. Level Seven is "casual" or sagely.

  8. Level Eight is "ultimate."



What to Wear to a Hypnosis Session

It is interesting what we all fix on when trying something new. Maybe it is nerves, maybe it is getting there on time, or maybe it is something to do with appearance.

"Do I look alright,” you may ask, heading out the door or perhaps you purse your lips at the last glance in the mirror.

So often I get the question, "What should I wear to our session?" And what a wonderful question it is. After all, if you have never been to a hypnotist before, should you just wear your work clothes as you would for a doctor’s appointment or seeing a counselor? Or, would casual, real casual be better? Should you wear work out clothing or even pajamas? I have seen it all.

The answer to this seemingly simple question lies within your own comfort levels. If you are more comfortable in a suit, wear a suit. If you are most comfortable wearing pajamas, wear them (or bring them to change into, we have facilities available for that). This question has little to do with the hypnotist and more to do with you. Comfort is key (at least at my practice).

What do I prefer personally? Remember, this is personal. What I wear when I see other hypnotists is in the realm of yoga clothes. They are not just for yoga, you know. Seriously. They are comfortable and usually you can find a style that is complimentary to your body shape. Also, they do not standout as much as pajamas. For a reference, visit Yoga-Clothing.com.

But again, if you would rather wear your suit...


This Great Chain of Being

As you may know (or if not, you will know now), I am working on a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology. I have decided on this path, not be become a total psychologist, but to have a better basis of experience with the idea that it will make me an even better practitioner of hypnosis. My study track is in consciousness studies, which relates completely to hypnosis and suggestion work.

In my travels, I occasionally come across some interesting ideas that are worth sharing. I have mentioned him before, but Ken Wilber has specific ideas about consciousness and evolution. In his book Up from Eden, New Edition: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, evolution occurs through consciousness. It is not just personal evolution, but what he believes has evolved humanity to this particular point in our history. He has, what is called, the Great Chain of Being. In it there are eight stages of being. Most of us are at his level five – Emotional Egoic. This means that our lives and everything within that concept have to do with our egos. All good, all bad, there it is. I will probably spend more time on these concepts, but not on this post.

Today, I though I would just show an interesting coincidence that is occurring in regards to consciousness. It is more personal, but I think it bears fruit in the universal consciousness. I have spent the last four months studying Wilber’s ideas. Then I get the call from a friend asking me if I was familiar with Eckert Toll. I was not at that time. His whole premise in A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61) seems to be about losing, getting rid, or perhaps moving past the ego. Once transcended, it would then stand to reason that we would move on to another level of consciousness, thus evolving.



Complimentary Practices

There are a lot of ways that hypnosis is beneficial to creating a life worth living well. But, there are procedures and other modalities that are complimentary and together the two can create spectacular change. One underlying concept within hypnosis is the idea of rejuvenating or increasing self-esteem. One really becomes aware just how fragile it can be, especially when our physical being is affected. Aftermath of pregnancy, various illnesses, or genetic occurrences (let alone the aging process in general) can play havoc in the esteem realm.

And one thing I have noticed in my practice is that thinning hair is one of the biggest physical manifestations that causes much emotional pain and potential inner wreckage. How easy it is to relate to Sampson's perils and issues after Delia cut his mane. Whether it is hair loss that is based on hereditary or other factors, it can leave us feeling some how less (even with wonderful shaved-head role models in the world).

This has led me to look into other therapies that could reverse hair loss. One is Aventi Laser Hair Therapy that assist with both male and female hair restoration. Though I cannot vouch for them personally, the positive points to using this treatment is that it is not very invasive. It involves low levels of laser light that helps stimulate the muscles and increases blood flow to certain areas. This allows for the flow of protein to reach hair follicles, which is thought to increase hair production.No cutting, no bleeding. The FDA has approved this procedure. Like other modalities, it may take more than more than one 30-minute session a week. If you are interested or have questions, you can contact them at 1-800-Get-Hair (they have several offices)or visit their web site.

This could work very well also with hypnosis, using hypnotic suggestion to help promote success in the re-growth process, as well as building up self-esteem so that with the new look, there would be less likeliness to sabotage one's self-esteem progress.

And just a quick note, these same low level lasers are also being studied a smoking cessation tool. They would function much like acupressure.



Monday Contemplation - Repel the Negative

During a fabulous weekend, there was a moment of odd negativity. It does not bear much mention, only that it happened and it was like stepping into Harry Potter and finding oneself dealing with the lady in Pink (book five). Yikes. What happened after this incident is the important thing. Though the weekend was still wonderful, it was a little hard to shake off the grossness of that negative event. Perhaps it caused a domino effect of critical thinking to ensue. Perhaps it drained away some positive energy.

At first, I though I might make this Monday contemplation about helping those who are over righteous to a fault. Then I thought better of this. What is really needed in coming across negativity is a regrouping of energy and thoughts. We cannot change that which caused the negative moments after the fact, but we can change how it affects us. In honor of this Wednesday's RELAXation Session entitled An Idea of Diffusion ~ Dispersing positive thoughts within, we will begin the week with thoughts that go hand in hand with this idea.

I repel negative energy and allow in only positive energy.



A New Earth

A friend called me recently and asked if I was familiar with Eckhart Tolle's new book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61). I was not, but this is the latest in Oprah's Book Club. After listening to my friend's thoughts, I decided to look into it a little more. I have yet to read it, but have signed up for the web class on the Oprah web site. Basically, it starts on March 3 at 9 pm (EST) and runs for 10 weeks. It is an interesting opportunity to work with the author who will be on-line to answer questions and help guide the viewer through the book experience. Pretty amazing and it is free (you cannot beat that).

Here is the question - there are reading groups being formed for this. There is one being established in the Knoxville area already and it seems to have a lot of interest. However, if you are interested in joining one that is smaller, I might consider doing on at the office in Maryville. Either comment here or email me at lsking@n-tranced.com if you are interested.

To do the internet course, visit the Oprah registration page. You will need to have a copy of the book and have it read by the first class. Also, to participate, you will also need to download software (free).



Monday Contemplation - The Heart

Since Valentine's Day is this week, it can be a good week for some or a really bad week for others. Some might say it is nothing more than blatant commercialism running rampant or a non-holiday. However, romance is a great topic in which to base a weekly contemplation.

This is a new feature I have wanted to add to the blog because having a weekly contemplation can help us to add some focus to the chaos of life. It does not require much at all, other than five minutes here and there each day. Give yourself a little quiet time by just closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and in your mind think about the following:

My heart is open to the inner me and the beauty within.

If you find images, symbols, or anything coming to mind during these five minutes, take a moment to explore what your subconscious mind has brought forward. This is a gift and a learning experience. It may be telling you to let go of something or to work on something. It may show you something wonderful within you or something beautiful you need to add to your life.

You may even want to keep a journal on hand and note what comes to mind. Do this for the next several days and notice how it changes day to day.

Also, this week's Midweek RELAXation Session is all about Romancing the Inner You. You may also enjoy one of our past podcast's about Remembering Romance, or even one of our audios: Rejuvenating Romance or Mending that Broken Heart.



Refining the RELAXation Sessions

Almost every Wednesday, there is a RELAXation session at the office. When I first started this, I did not tell anyone in advance the theme of each meditation, though they all were about creating inner peace. Last summer here on the web site, at the begining of each month I began to list the direction of each Wednesday's session. I know there are several people who prefer meditations that have little to do with the word stress or the idea of regression, so that is why I began scheduling them in advance. Now I am wondering which way is better? Does it matter? Does anyone pay attention to the schedule?

Please feel free to comment or answer the poll on the left side of the blog.



Awareness of Negative Actions

Did you have a chance to read my post from January 30, the one entitled Looking for the Truth - All This Negativity? If not, you should - that we we can continue on with this post. Or if you did read it and then wonder what would be next, you shall now find out.

Did you answer "yes" to any of the questions? Then read on. If you answered "no" to them all, you get the smile award for helping keep the world a more positive place, so go enjoy the rest of the day. But, to return to those who answered "yes." No worries. If you can honestly answer the questions then you now have the awareness that you are adding negativity into the world. Perhaps you do not care or it does not concern you and if that is the case, well then, carry on and know that when the negative energy or thrill dies down, we will still be here and there is always opportunity for new beginnings. Your time. Your place.

But if you did say "yes" and now understand that you have added negativity, and do not wish to continue on that path and chose a more positive road, know that you have taken the first step. Awareness is everything. Now you can take responsibility for your actions and begin healing. With this new awareness, you can tweak your actions and begin the process of not indulging in those negative responses.

And yes, I do know this is easier said than done. We are human and sometimes the lower consciousness of our humanity takes over and we do things we might not condone inwardly. But by knowing we do, we can strive for something better. With this said, there are a million ways to add positive elements into your life - hence the huge world of self-improvement. Explore it. Try meditation. Try hypnosis. Try massage. Try Yoga. Try exercise in general. Try changing your diet. These are all just small steps inside that may create a larger footprint of success.
