More About Fire Walking

In looking at other blogs about this, someone stated that fire walking is a somewhat explainable phenomenon (not getting burned) and asked what the big deal was about the hypnosis. Good question.
I have looked into it (and have know people who have done this) and there is no illusion to walking across hot coals. This is not a fakir trick. But what I have gleaned from it, is that the coals used should be low heat capacity. Also, the idea is to keep moving briskly across the coals and in some cases, people use water as an insulator against the coal - wetting the feet and then walking across them.
That is the deal. The question now is - would you walk across hot coals? Would there still be fear? Sure, you know intellectually it is possible, but is that enough?
For a lot of people, it is not enough. This is when self-hypnosis and words such as "mind over matter" come into effect. It becomes much less about the hot coals and more about conquering fear, maintaining control of one's self, and empowering one's self to do what seems very complicated (or dangerous).
And now I must put in a disclaimer. L.S. King and N*tranced do not recommend or endorse fire walking. People do still get burned on occasion. So, do not try this at home.
Labels: Hypnosis
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