
Looking for the Truth - All This Negativity

Here's a question for contemplation today - do you add to world negativity? Seriously, think about it. It seems rampant these days, especially here in Cyberville. It has occurred to me that many people have no idea just how negative they are and maybe if they did know, they might think about taking some responsibility and just STOP. That's right. JUST STOP.

Here are a few questions to see if you are contributing to the negativity.
  1. You always say the first thing that comes to your mind, good or bad - after all in the States we do have the Freedom of Speech.
  2. Your view is the right one and everyone should think like you - and you insist on it.
  3. You comment on blogs or in general when you think something is stupid.
  4. You email or call others when you are angry, even if you are just being over emotional.
  5. You blame everyone else for all the bad things in your life.
  6. You see compassion as a weakness.
  7. You like being negative and enjoy making others feel bad, and do not realize how this affects you.
  8. You could care less about being a better person - it is a doggy-eat-dog-world and it is not your job to make it any other way.
  9. What cup? It has been empty for a long time so it is okay to drain other peoples happiness.
  10. You are so miserable, you want everyone else to suffer.
Just think about it.



The Correct Number

A horrible, horrible mistake.

What must you think? Now I understand why I keep getting questions about the business still being open - the phone number at the bottom of the pages on this website was wrong. But, yes, we are still open for business. We have corrected the site. It should now read the correct number, which is 865/406-1135. If you see any pages in your travels that has this wrong, please let me know.

I do apologize for any confusion.




You are probably wondering what a cat has to do with visiting a hypnotist, and for all of you allergy suffers who are now worried I am adding a cat to my practice, rest assured this is not the case (though if my lease permitted it, I might be tempted). No, what this cat has to do with hypnosis is just the fact that it has moved onto my back porch last week at home, therefore it affects my life and now your awareness. The veterinarian says he is definitely a "he," a neutered he, between three and five years old. He, the cat, is very affectionate. I am hoping to find his original owner, but it is possibly he has been around for longer than the week (perhaps a few months, but picked now to move in). If he looks familiar to you, you know him or are his owner, please email me at lsking@n-tranced.com. I am also looking for a new home for him as well - just in case. My cats are not thrilled with his arrival.



Another Perspective - Bodybuilding

If you know me in my hypnotist persona, then you will probably be aware that I relate a lot of stories about clients and friends (never divulging names, personal information or identifiable details) that are used as learning tools or inspiration for others. If you do not know this about me, well, now you do. After all, we do have a lot to learn from one another.

I am also a big fan of reading other people's blogs. It is much like my stories, only told in their own words. So, periodically, I have decided to feature a few I come across.

A recent one, Footballnwa’s Weblog, is interesting to me in that it is about the journey of a person who is becoming a body builder. And yes I have a few clients who have come to me for motivation in this area. Being more yoga and dance centered, there is a lot more too the whole body building phenomena than I can hope to know or impart. So what better resource for someone on this road than reading the chronicle's from a bodybuilder's blog. Though the blog is rather new, and I presume under construction (in the clean-up stage), it speaks about resources and offers bodybuilding reviews. I highlight this blog because it is not intimidating, nor is there much care given to lofty sentiments. Sometimes capitalization and grammar go out the door, but on a human level, it is understandable and personable. In some ways, after reading the text for my classes, it is nice to get the meaning of something quickly.



Why You Need To Try the Recipe From Yesterday

For those of you who tried or are planning to try the recipe from yesterday, there is a hidden incentive in it for you. 2007 brought about the study of mushrooms having beneficial effects in helping prevent breast cancer (actually research was funded in 2004 and continued into 2007). Yep, you heard that (okay, you read it). According to a study done by the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Dr. Shiuan Chen has found that white button mushrooms have the potential to be a preventive measure against breast cancer.

How this works:
White button mushrooms produce a fatty acid (conjugated linoleic acid). This acid inhibits a chemical called aromatase, which is a protein that creates estrogen. Estrogen is a major factor in certain forms of breast cancer. Estrogen stimulates the development of breast cancer cells. The cancerous tumors show a very high amount of aromatase that generates estrogen. The white button mushroom's fatty acid is a well-know anticancer chemical. It suppresses the aromatase and therefore lessens the opportunity for estrogen to create the cancer.

To put it simply, buy consuming white button mushrooms, the stuff in the mushrooms cause breast cancer chemicals in the body to be reduced or become non-active - hence less likely hood of developing breast cancer.

So how many of these mushrooms would you have to eat to get the anticancer benefits? The research suggest 150 – 200 grams daily, which is about six ounces or more a day.

To read more about this, check out my source at the The California Breast Cancer Research Program.



A Wednesday Recipe - Mushroom Steamed Wontons

What do recipes have to do with hypnosis? Much. A lot of hypnosis deals with developing healthy habits. And food can be a healthy habit. There are certain discussion that happen at the office that should build up stream and end in results, results such as one of us emailing someone something we talked about and someone else thought was interesting and wanted to be emailed it as well. That is what makes the idea of a blog so spectacular. Bag the email and just make a post (sometimes). I do not mean blab your personal story and private essentials, but tips on exercise, thoughts on books and the whole whatnot are worth sharing.

Often the items that need to be shared are recipes. It seems that there are many of us who are not fans of vegetables, but are wanna be vegetarians. So finding a decent recipe for something in this realm is something to write about (I know, I know for you veggie lovers out there there are plenty of good vegetable recipes). But this one I concocted more or less myself and thought I would post it here.

Mushroom Steamed Wontons
1 cup pureed fresh white button mushrooms (use a blender or food processor)
1 slice of bread - torn into pieces
1 tablespoons ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon crushed hot pepper flakes
1 tablespoons dried cilantro
1 sodium soy sauce
A pinch of anise seed
A pinch of ground cloves
A pinch of cinnamon
A pinch of white pepper
25 wonton wrappers
Extra soy sauce for dipping

Bamboo steamers
Parchment Paper

In a blender or food processor, with the pureed mushrooms, blend in the bread and all the remaining ingredients except for the wonton wrappers and extra soy sauce. Once everything is blended, on a medium setting, heat the mixture in a small pot to help reduce some of the liquidity (about five minutes - constantly stirring).

Prepare the wonton wrappers.

Take the first one, brush a little warm water along the sides of it. Put a teaspoon of the mushroom mixture in the center of the wonton. Carefully fold the wonton in half and seal the edges together with your fingers. Do this process for each one.

Place parchment paper on the bottom of a bamboo steamer and place a layer of wontons upon it. Use another steamer to put the rest on (I only used two for this many). Then steam them using your wok. Put an inch of so of water on the bottom of the wok, bring to boil, and place steamers in the wok - water should not be high enough to touch the bottom food layer.

Let them steam for 20 minutes.

These are really good dipped in soy sauce.



15 Reasons to Not Try Hypnosis

1. You have absolutely no interest in hypnosis(so why are you reading this blog?).
2. You do not like or trust the hypnotist.
3. You are not ready to make a personal change.
4. Someone else is pushing you to try it and it is not your time and place.
5. You are afraid and need to do more research about why you should not be afraid.
6. You are not ready to learn more about yourself.
7. You want someone else to do it all for you (like magically strip off those extra pounds).
8. You have been diagnosed with certain mental complications such as schizophrenia (and should have permission from your psychologist).
9. You are involved in a court case and hypnosis could cause you a problem in legalities (talk to your lawyer).
10. You want to prove hypnosis does not work (it will not under those circumstances).
11. You like being stressed or do not like feeling relaxed.
12. You want to be brain washed.
13. You are looking for a substitute for medical treatment.
14. You are not ready to face certain issues.
15. You think it will be a truth serum to prove your innocence.



Happy World Hypnotism Day 2008!

Download Sale
So here it is again. World Hypnotism Day! And how are we celebrating it this year? N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation is offering 25% off our downloads (those on lulu.com are excluded) for the remainder of the month. In order to receive the discount, you will need to paste code 9QE23210 into the coupon box during check out. To view our downloads, visit the RELAXAtion Session Downloads and our self-hypnosis audios.

Single Session Discount
Also, we are discounting our one session hypnosis rate from $90 to $75 for the rest of January. That means the appointment must be made by January 31, 2008 and must be scheduled between now and February 28, 2008. To receive this discount, you must pay in advance through paypal.com, by clicking the button below. *

RELAXation Session Discount
Bring a new friend (some one who has not attended a RELAXation Session in the past) to a January RELAXation Session and receive a future RELAXation Session for free.

*Only valid if purchased online.

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N*tranced is taking it slowly this month, not making too many changes all at once and staying on our path. We will be quietly celebrating World Hypnotism Day here, so be sure to check back. As for the rest of the month, we will be back in swing with our RELAXation Sessions.

In coming up with the theme in which to start the RELAXation sessions, after realizing several of our clients have suffered misfortunes over the holidays, we will be working on inner peace. Isn't that always the thing?

To do this, we will begin with a meditation on looking at the current path we are traveling. Is it going in the correct direction or do we need to stop and look at a map to get to our true destination? This will be followed with looking back at the path that was and take responsibility for our own actions, find acceptance in those consequences and see them as learning opportunities. Then we will relook at forgiveness of self and others as a way to move forward, not condoning actions against us, but dealing with them in a healthy way. Rather than letting it hold us back or create an excuse to remain static, we will use it to fuel our journey. The last session of the month will be about the magic of the journey itself.

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Thoughts About the Magic of New Years

Happy second day of the New Year!

With World Hypnotism Day coming up in just two days (check back for specials and more) and the idea of New Year's resolutions abounding, it seems like a good time to share some of the topics I have been studying.

In one of my classes, I am reading Up From Eden by Ken Wilber. It deals with the evolution of consciousness, so I will spare the casual reader the details. However, for the once over lightly, one of the early levels of consciousness is one that he terms "Mythic Membership." This really does apply to the topic. One trait of this level is the idea of primitive magic. Primitive magic is very present based. What happened in the past is forgotten or not associated with the current. A good example of this in current life is the idea of "starting totally fresh" with the occasion of a new year. It does not matter what came before, but now is the time for magic properties to occur and change to happen. In some ways the turning of a new year gives us the idea that anything is possible. The woes of yesterday are forgotten.

Now I do not plan to rain on any parades, I think any new beginning is good, no matter when. And maybe that is the crux of it, viewing each new day, each new moment as a time for untapped potential, for great change or becoming more peaceful. Whether you work on change today, because it seems like a natural starting point, or tomorrow because the timing is right, it is all good.

When I read Wilber's statements about primitive magic, I originally thought - how simple. But then over the last few weeks, I have really been noticing it. Conditioning is sort of like primitive magic. Superstition is totally primitive magic. I have developed a habit of crossing my fingers during stressful times. Literally, I cross my fingers. Deep down, I believe this will help make things better. And maybe it does. Maybe it grounds me and allows me to relax a little more.

Anyway, whenever you are inspired to make a change, there is little magic in the moment, except perhaps the magic of timing, things coming together in life to help motivate you and make the change. It is totally you.

So, whether you have made a resolution or not, all change originates within.
