15 Reasons to Not Try Hypnosis
1. You have absolutely no interest in hypnosis(so why are you reading this blog?).
2. You do not like or trust the hypnotist.
3. You are not ready to make a personal change.
4. Someone else is pushing you to try it and it is not your time and place.
5. You are afraid and need to do more research about why you should not be afraid.
6. You are not ready to learn more about yourself.
7. You want someone else to do it all for you (like magically strip off those extra pounds).
8. You have been diagnosed with certain mental complications such as schizophrenia (and should have permission from your psychologist).
9. You are involved in a court case and hypnosis could cause you a problem in legalities (talk to your lawyer).
10. You want to prove hypnosis does not work (it will not under those circumstances).
11. You like being stressed or do not like feeling relaxed.
12. You want to be brain washed.
13. You are looking for a substitute for medical treatment.
14. You are not ready to face certain issues.
15. You think it will be a truth serum to prove your innocence.
Labels: Hypnosis
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