
Thoughts About the Magic of New Years

Happy second day of the New Year!

With World Hypnotism Day coming up in just two days (check back for specials and more) and the idea of New Year's resolutions abounding, it seems like a good time to share some of the topics I have been studying.

In one of my classes, I am reading Up From Eden by Ken Wilber. It deals with the evolution of consciousness, so I will spare the casual reader the details. However, for the once over lightly, one of the early levels of consciousness is one that he terms "Mythic Membership." This really does apply to the topic. One trait of this level is the idea of primitive magic. Primitive magic is very present based. What happened in the past is forgotten or not associated with the current. A good example of this in current life is the idea of "starting totally fresh" with the occasion of a new year. It does not matter what came before, but now is the time for magic properties to occur and change to happen. In some ways the turning of a new year gives us the idea that anything is possible. The woes of yesterday are forgotten.

Now I do not plan to rain on any parades, I think any new beginning is good, no matter when. And maybe that is the crux of it, viewing each new day, each new moment as a time for untapped potential, for great change or becoming more peaceful. Whether you work on change today, because it seems like a natural starting point, or tomorrow because the timing is right, it is all good.

When I read Wilber's statements about primitive magic, I originally thought - how simple. But then over the last few weeks, I have really been noticing it. Conditioning is sort of like primitive magic. Superstition is totally primitive magic. I have developed a habit of crossing my fingers during stressful times. Literally, I cross my fingers. Deep down, I believe this will help make things better. And maybe it does. Maybe it grounds me and allows me to relax a little more.

Anyway, whenever you are inspired to make a change, there is little magic in the moment, except perhaps the magic of timing, things coming together in life to help motivate you and make the change. It is totally you.

So, whether you have made a resolution or not, all change originates within.



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