Looking for the Truth - All This Negativity
Here's a question for contemplation today - do you add to world negativity? Seriously, think about it. It seems rampant these days, especially here in Cyberville. It has occurred to me that many people have no idea just how negative they are and maybe if they did know, they might think about taking some responsibility and just STOP. That's right. JUST STOP.
Here are a few questions to see if you are contributing to the negativity.
- You always say the first thing that comes to your mind, good or bad - after all in the States we do have the Freedom of Speech.
- Your view is the right one and everyone should think like you - and you insist on it.
- You comment on blogs or in general when you think something is stupid.
- You email or call others when you are angry, even if you are just being over emotional.
- You blame everyone else for all the bad things in your life.
- You see compassion as a weakness.
- You like being negative and enjoy making others feel bad, and do not realize how this affects you.
- You could care less about being a better person - it is a doggy-eat-dog-world and it is not your job to make it any other way.
- What cup? It has been empty for a long time so it is okay to drain other peoples happiness.
- You are so miserable, you want everyone else to suffer.
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