
Living to be 150

So, perhaps you have tried the Monday Contemplation about age. Interestingly enough, this contemplation must have tapped into the universal consciousness. Tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 1), Barbara Walters will air a new segment called Live to Be 150. It will be on at 10 pm on the ABC Network.

One of the things she will discuss is a new pill called resveratrol. It is being investigated in conjunction with combating cancer, viral infections, diabetes, along with age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer's and arthritis. It increases the SIRT1 enzymes by resetting the proteins that inhibit cell life. Dr. David Sinclair of the Harvard Medical School, among others, has recently studied it. His study examined the effects of Resveratrol on obese mice. What the study concluded is that it increased the lifespan of the subjects. It did this by cutting down on the side effects of high-calorie diets.

Anyway, it is an interesting idea. Though U.S. Lab Tested Resveratrol is studied and has had favorable results, it is only available through RevGenetics.

N*tranced is merely sharing this information with you so you know what is out there. Resveratrol is a natural herbal supplement. The FDA has not evaluated it claims, but legitimate companies and research facilities have studied it. You may want to discuss this with your doctor.

If you do try it, you might also want to consider using hypnosis along with it to help work on the mindset of the potential positive changes.


It is All Relative

There is a cliche that says "You are only as old as you feel." Personally, I cringe at this. Physically, if I have not gotten enough sleep or have eaten badly, I feel much older than I really am. I know several who agree with this.

But the statement holds some wisdom whether we like it or not. There are people who are in their 90s who are by far more active than people in their 30s, and I marvel at the former. So, perhaps it is the idea that relativity is a strange fountain of youth or a mechanism of longevity.

On the flip side, it is possible that if you are as old as you feel, you can use this to increase your self-esteem - say if you feel really immature, you can work on maturity to feel older and wiser.

So, this week's contemplation is all about age. Ready yourself for a few quiet moments and think about what is your ideal age and why. Just let the answers come without self-criticism or censor. When you have a few thoughts about this, then contemplate on the following:

I am as old as I want to be and my mind can help manifest this so I look, feel, and act that age.



The End is Near

Just a reminder that The Really Relax Contest is almost over. It would be great to have a few more entries. Leave your comments and such on The REALLY RELAX CONTEST post or even here. The question is - how do you relax.



Consciousness Shift

Hypnosis is a consciousness shift. Meditation is a consciousness shift. Life can be a consciousness shift.

Though this is mostly a blog about my hypnosis practice N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation, I am a student of consciousness. I have blogged and will continue to blog about the idea that we are experiencing a shift in our evolution. We have the choice to be part of that which moves forward. It is seen in the legends of the Mayan Calendar and other areas of enlightenment intellectualism.

One of my instructors passed this video on to me. It is a beautiful concept of biologist and futurist, Elisabet Sahtouris ideas about such a shift.

And for those who really know me, you may find the butterfly reference ironic.



The Gloves Come Off

I admit it - I used to be skeptical about the entertainment value of certain sports (much like people are skeptical about hypnosis). However, those were my high school drama years and since then I have even managed to enjoy watching a good football game or boxing match. Accepting boxing was a bit harder, but then enter Bob Sutton, whom I met one night at Tomato Head. He was then starting a campaign to bring attention to epilepsy and one of his goals was a boxing match. Well, I won't go into it too much in order to stay on topic, but Bob brought with him an amazing ability to describe the dedication and concentration needed in the boxing ring. It made me rethink the whole sport.

When I first started with the hypnosis practice, someone sent me an article about a boxer who used hypnosis to help him improve his timing and concentration. He had won some title and it was a great day for the hypnosis community. It was also great that such an athlete had come out that it had really helped him.

So, as I notice that De La Hoya/Mayweather tickets may be on sale, I cannot help but wonder if one of them will use hypnosis in their training. It is said that Oscar De La Hoya is canceling a May fight to get in shape for a rematch against Mayweather. Seems like this would be a good thing for him, hypnosis that is. Just a suggestion...


The Moses Code

Did you see or read What the Bleep? How about The Secret? Well, the next latest and greatest phenomena to follow these is something called The Moses Code. It is a spiritual concept about manifesting happiness. We learned how to direct such a thing with The Secret, but now it is time to set our focus on helping humanity.

Anyway, just wanted to give you heads up on this, as the movie is opening on April 5. In tandem with the showing, there will be a series of prayer vigils throughout the world on April 6.

For more information, please visit The Moses Code web site.

Also, Inner Harmony at the Oasis Center in Knoxville, TN is hosting screenings on April 5. Please contact Suzanne Jonas at 865-980-0137 for more information.



The Mindset of Commitment

Sometimes we want to do things the easy way or better yet, we want it done for us. We look for quick fixes, short-term diets, exercise machines, and face creams. We contemplate the Human Growth Hormone to make us feel and look younger. And sometimes all these things work for us - sometimes for a long while, sometimes for a shorter duration. So, we try this or that and learn from it all.

But what we really want is change - a positive change that will make us feel better about this living process in which we are all engaged. Often clients come to me for various things and what they all need is a lifestyle change. That is the basis of hypnosis and many other products that promote health, wellness and self-esteem. You see something, such as hypnosis that can help you change something within you. Inevitably what it means is that for hypnosis (or what have you) to work, it is a commitment to change the daily rituals in your life. You have to committee to the lifestyle change for it to be effective.

For instance, if you go to a hypnotist for weight loss, the pounds do not magically go away. You have to commit to whatever change you are making - whether it is changing eating habits, exercising more, or dealing with stress differently. Going into the session, you have to understand that the hypnotist cannot do the work for you. She or he can help work on the mind set for creating the change, but it is up to you to follow through. The oly way to do this is to accept that you are about to change your life style.

You may have noticed the link to growth hormones above. To learn more about them, please click on that link. Please remember that N*tranced is merely sharing information. If you are interesting in using such a product, it is always good to check with your doctor first.


Time for Contemplation

Well, time got away from me and here I am on a Tuesday, posting a Monday Contemplation. Better late than never, right? And what-they-heck, it changes things up once in while.

Since I am late in posting this, I will use the idea to inspire the weekly contemplation.

Beginning the quieting process, allow your mind to focus on the idea of time. Does it go on forever, slowly, so slowly, passing by or does it speed by, gone before you know it?

Here is the contemplation:

Time is a rhythm and I move at my own pace.

Notice how this statement affects you. If you feel rushed all the time or that life is happening too slowly, realize you are the keeper of your own time. It is okay to take control of it.



The Art of Reframing

When you utilize hypnosis(or NLP), one of the things that often happens in the process is that you find yourself doing something called "reframing." Reframing is exactly as it sounds. It is like having a picture. Maybe the picture would look better with a different frame around it, so you choose a new frame that suits it. Reframing in the hypnosis setting is just like that idea. You are the work of art and you want to change something (that is the frame), so you choose to make a change.

In more general terms, it is looking at something you are not happy with and relooking at it in a new way that works.

An example would be if you find that you stress easily and because of that have a lot of excess energy that builds up in the form of anger. Maybe it comes out in hurtful words to others or even violence. Rather than succumbing to such an end, you could reframe the energy and frustration found in anger into a more positive outcome. You could take up martial arts, buy
karate uniforms, learn the discipline, and heck, become a little more physically fit. The energy becomes a useful tool in overall health. In a sense, you have reframed the energy and frustration that was once destructive into something extremely good and healthy.

Of course you can do this without hypnosis. Committing to the reframing process might just be enough. However, hypnosis in this sense is helpful in getting to the bottom of the issue and making suggestion for the change. In the case mentioned above, the hypnotic suggestions would be to release the energy build-up in a disciplined environment of martial arts.



A Sacrifice

Whether you are into the Easter story or not, with it looming on the horizon of the week, it provides a nice background theme. Specifically, I am talking about the idea of sacrifice. Sacrifice can be difficult but it can also be freeing. It all depends on the mind set.

Something I do each year is a form of sacrifice. On the years that I celebrate Mardi Gras, I participate in my own version of Lent. I give up something that is hard. When I slip up, I save a dollar, letting it accumulate until Easter. Then I donate those dollars to charity. Usually, I give up word habits (so it is easy to slip). For instance, last year I gave up the word "excellent." I used it all the time, especially as an affirmation that I was listening to others. It is an odd sacrifice for sure, giving up a security-blanket word, but it always feels good to donate to a favorite clause. It is also a great way to curb bad habits.

So for today's contemplation - think about the idea of sacrifice. Have you given up something that felt like a sacrifice? Are you currently doing so? Is there something you would like to give up that seems like it would be a sacrifice? If so, ask yourself why you did, should, or would give it up. Center on the positive aspects of the sacrifice. Now say to yourself:

By making this sacrifice, I am free.



The Hair Aesthetic

Some of my recent blogging themes have been about ego. Toll and Wilber (transpersonal writers), among others, seem to be in agreement that we need to move past the ego to the next level of our evolution. That is all well and fine, but what about now? How do we begin to move forward when there is so much healing that needs to be done within? Self-esteem seems like it is at an all time low and extremely fragile.

Sure there is the nature way to make yourself feel better. Hypnosis is really good for healing a lot and changing bad habits. But there again, it can be really useful in a planned out process of feeling better about yourself. When you are having a new start, sometimes it may be helpful to look like a new you.

For example, many of us, our hair is tied into how we perceive ourselves. We spend millions trying to have the perfect hair. When it thins, often we panic. We feel horrible or sensitive about it. (By the way, I am not just preaching here, I feel very attached to mine). There are ways to feel better about your aesthetic. They may involve accessories, changing hair color, wigs, or even non surgical hair replacement. These are can be done with 100% human hair extensions (okay, maybe you cringed a bit at that, but it is natural) in a non-painful way.

I am a big believer that we all know what we need to feel better. Sometimes it takes trying things like hair extensions to see if the proverbial grass is greener on the other side. Maybe in the end it is, or maybe we find we prefer ourselves the way were. It is all about learning. It is all about healing. It is all about being true to ourselves.


Seeing Colors

In spite of all the wonders of hypnosis, there is still so much to learn. For instance, why is it more effective for some and not others? This is the sort of question that nags at me, but it also propels me forward. There is a lot too consciousness and harnessing one's inner control.

And because of this, I think I will dedicate a post on Fridays to "Factual Friday." There are all sorts of studies out there that have been done about hypnosis and consciousness. We gain daily insight to the mind and how it works. And for the skeptics, the proof is in the pudding.

Recently, The University of Hull made an interesting discovery about the parts of the mind that are activated when someone is experiencing hypnosis. Using a brain scan, for the participants who did well with the hypnotic suggestions given by the experimenters, the suggestion was given that when they looked at a black and white image, the participants would see the image in color. The same experiment was done with the participants in a state of normal consciousness. The scans indicated that in normal consciousnesses, the logical, rational part of the brain (frontal lobe) showed activity. When in hypnosis, the part of the brain that is directly related to sensing color was activated.

What does this mean about hypnosis? It means that when in a hypnotic state, reality is different. In this state, the mind can utilize the parts of the brain responsible for the actions needed, thus creating its own reality. It is more than just imagination, where logic and thought simulate something. It is as though it is really happening (seeing the colors).

Source: The University of Hull



Goodbye Prozack

Maybe I will do another regular segment and call it "Things You Should Know." Hmm. It is all just gelling.

Anyway, here is something you should know. Prozack, Effexor, Serzone, and Paxil, in a recent study, were found to be as effective as placebos. According to the meta study analysis in which several colleges and universities participated in the findings, these popular antidepressants are not particularly helpful to treating mild depression (or even moderate) anymore than a suger-pill would.

These findings suggest that, compared with placebo, the new-generation antidepressants do not produce clinically significant improvements in depression in patients who initially have moderate or even very severe depression, but show significant effects only in the most severely depressed patients.
This is fairly big news. Several clients and friends of mine are on these medications, prescribed by physicians. There is no counselling, no talk therapy, nothing. Just the meds. We all want that magic happy pill to make us feel a little more fulfilled or satisfied with our situations. We are even will to undergo the side effects (sleeplessness, sexual dysfunction, slowness of thoughts, among other things), just for that little boost that we believe may get us out of bed.

The brilliant thing about this study is that, for those of us who fit the above description, any positive results we have felt then, may have been as much as mind over matter. We believe the pills help - therefore they do. Only, they don't. It is our own inner ability and belief system that creates the sense of positive change.

So, yes, I am making this into a plug for hypnosis. If your mind mind can use a pill to make you believe you are happier, imagine what hypnosis could do for you - and without the side effects.

Yet, I feel the need to add a disclaimer here. I am not suggesting or recommending that you just go off the pills without talking to your doctor first. Though it is your choice to do what you feel is best, if you are taking such medications, let the good doctors know that you want to go off them and try another route. It is your mind and your body.

PLoS Medicine



A Strangely Emotional Issue

So today, we have talked about creating current changes, looked at the Mayan Calendar and now for something completely contemporary...homeschooling. If you are truly scratching your head and wondering why I am talking about this, you would be right in thinking that it has little to do with my hypnosis practice. But, it is something that is really bothering me.

I thought it was a joke at first. California outlawing homeschooling. Insane. But sadly, it is true. Now I understand homeschooling is one of those subjects that seems to be very much either you are for it or you are against it. However, some of the most brilliant people I know were homeschooled (along with some who just could not make it in public school). I also sometimes think I would have done better in elementary school (except for my fifth grade year when I had a most phenomenal teacher) if I had been allowed to go the homeschool route.

First it is California. A precedent gets set set. What state will follow? How many? What will this mean for society?

Enter Reverse The Ruling - Homeschoolers Unite, a web site that seeks to reverse the ruling. Mimi Rothschild of LearningByGrace.org is spear heading this effort with an online petition. If I understand correctly, anyone in the United States can sign the petition.

Here is the press release:
Sorting Fact From Fiction, Opinion From Opposition with ReverseTheRuling.com
Parents are responsible to train their children to the very best of their ability and to teach them all they believe to be true. Parents are blessed with children, and obligated to care for all aspects of their children’s lives, including who, what, where and how they are educated.

(PRWEB) March 11, 2008 -- Homeschooling activists across the nation are calling to “Reverse the Ruling,” targeting the recent opinion published by California Justice H. Walter Croskey that parents “do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children.”

On www.ReverseTheRuling.com, education activists have been separating fact from fiction, and schooling the general public on the recent events relating to homeschooling in California, as well as working with homeschoolers all across the nation to gather over 100,000 petition signatures demanding that this ruling be reversed.

“Homeschooling has been a freedom practiced long before the Constitution captured our inalienable rights, with many of the Declaration of Independence signatures coming from men that were homeschooled. Our opinion is quite clear,” said Mimi Rothschild, leader of ReverseTheRuling.com. “Parents are responsible to train their children to the very best of their ability and to teach them all they believe to be true. Parents are blessed with children, and obligated to care for all aspects of their children’s lives, including who, what, where and how they are educated.”

Since release yesterday, the ReverseTheRuling.com petition has been inundated with signatures, Ms. Rothschild and other activist are encouraging those that oppose this ruling to be active – signing as many national petitions as possible, gathering information and writing about their experiences on such sites as www.ReverseTheRuling.com.

About www.ReverseTheRuling.com:
ReverseTheRuling.com is the one-stop source of information for homeschoolers across the nation to learn, spread the word and be heard regarding the recent actions and events that affect homeschoolers throughout the state of California. Please visit www.ReverseTheRuling.com to learn more about the issue, and see how you can participate in reversing the most shocking ruling to hit homeschooling ever.

To schedule interviews with Mimi Rothschild, nationally known education expert specializing in Homeschooling, please contact:

Michael Broome
T. 215.487.3700 ext. 67266

Mimi Rothschild


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Mayan Dating

12 . 19 . 15 . 2 . 14

Ha. Did you think I would post about the adventures of dating a Mayan, such as "will you go out with me?" (Well, I might literally go out in 2012, depending on your perspective. LOL). What I am talking about is, yes again, the Mayan calendar.

There is a part of me that is completely tempted to take up Mayan time - you know, really use it in the everyday world. I admit it is a complete novelty to me. You will note the five numbers above in orange. This is today's date on the Mayan Calendar. Curious how it breaks down?

  • 12 is how many baktuns there has been since the Mayan Long count began (1 baktun is equal to 394.26 years).
  • 19 is the number of katuns (1 katun equals 19.7 years) that have passed in the current baktun.
  • 15 is the number of tuns (the number of vague years, roughly 360 days per vague year) or katuns that we are on.
  • 2 is the number of uinals (vague months in a vague year, about 20 vague months to a vague year) is the amount of months that have passed in the current vague year.
  • 14 is the number of kins (days) is the number of days in the current vague month.

The date all this began was on August 11, 3114 BC. Here's that fun number 13 again - on December 21, 2012 the date will be

Just something to think about.

The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities from Sounds True, Inc. 2007.

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A Tuesday Tip - When to Change

If you are wondering what happened to the hypnosis information on this blog, it is still very much a part of it. In thinking about how to make this a more efficient and productive reading experience, I am toying with the idea of having regular segments along with the regular blogging stuff. I have already put this into play with the Monday Contemplation. So, I think Tuesday will be "Tuesday Tips or Trivia" and these post will be how to incorporate hypnosis into your life, how to make the most out of a hypnosis session, or interesting facts related to hypnosis.

So to start out with, let's talk about timing. Considering we are discussing Mayan time and potential change in 2012, current time is a great place to start. This sometimes comes up often in phone conversations before appointments are actually made. The questions are usually something to the effect of:
I want to quit smoking, binge drinking, lose weight (or insert your own reason for hypnosis here), but next week, I am going to go vacation, have the in-laws visit, have a stressful ordeal (again insert your personal event here), should I wait until after this to schedule a session?
Brilliant, but tough question. The answer is totally dependent on you. If you want to wait and use the excuse (I'm going on vacation, my in-laws will be visiting, etc.) as a last hurrah or crutch, than by all means, use it. I say this in terms of the idea that it is up to you to choose your start time for the change you have in mind. Hypnosis, if you want to get your money's worth, is not something to be entered into lightly. When you go for that first session, the change is in effect. It means that upon leaving my office (or any hypnotist's office), you have made the conscious commitment to move forward in your change. This is the first day in your new life.

On the other hand, if you may choose instead to go forward before the event (vacation, in-laws, etc.) because you are excited about the new you, that is extremely positive. It may be a celebration in change, knowing you can do anything you want to do. You are in control. Often being in a situation where in the past you would have, say - smoked, drank yourself to oblivion, gorged on junk food (or what have you), it is extremely empowering to go through the situation without regressing to past bad-habits. It can really strengthen your self-esteem and commitment to change.

With all this said, if you are planning to use hypnosis for self-change, you are the one deciding on the factors, such as when the time is right. There is a time and place for everything - only you can decide.



A Really Brief Look at the Mayan Calendar Math

So, are you now (or at all) intrigued with the Mayan Calendar and what it may mean for humanity in the near future? Well, grab your cowboy boots or whatever you need to go deep into the wilds of ancient culture. Its time to explore some mathematical concepts.

There is a lot to how the calendar works, and unlike the one most of us use these days - seven days a week, 28 to 31 days a month, 12 months in a years and so on - the Mayan Calendar was more complex. It is often described in terms of two wheels whose cogs turn together. One wheel is the tzolken, which loosely translates to "sacred calendar," which has a count of 260 days (broken down into something equivalent to 13 months of 20 days each). This works with the the other wheel - the Vague Year. This has a count of 360 days (some say 365) . These complete a 52 year cycle before starting again (which they do). This was to help them mark scarred times.

But does this have to do with 2012? It is all part of the Great Cycle, which is determined using what the Mayans termed the Long Count. Let's take it like this: we have one day. Twenty of these days equals a Vague Month. 360 days equals a Vague Year. Next in the Long Count, we have 7,200 days that is the equivalent of 19.7 years. And then we have 144,000 days or 394.2 years. Thirteen (that lucky number) multiplied by 394.2 years is one World Age Cycle. And are you ready for this? The end of this World Cycle is on December 21,2012.

There is more to it than what I have surmised, but what is interesting is that even though the Mayan people more or less vanished or assimilated into other cultures, their calender has continued, the time passing by, until...

Source: The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities from Sounds True, Inc. 2007.

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A Contemplation for Positive Change

I am in the process of reading The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities, which for those of you who have not gotten the word yet (lol), big changes maybe in store on December 21, 2012. I am sure I will discuss this more in depth as I get into it. But, whether you are a believer in the 2012 Mayan prophecy or not, it is interesting to contemplate a huge world change. And change can be good or bad. Sometimes we fight against it. Sometimes we embrace it.

With this in mind, I offer today's contemplation.

I am open to positive change, allowing it to flow within, and out into the world.

You can apply this to the future, or you can apply to right now. With the world in its current state, it may be most apt to begin now.



Flowering Tea

For those who have visited the N*tranced office (or just know me), I have a custom of always offering a cup of tea to those who enter my realm. Not only is it a nicety, but something that I believe offers a bit more comfort to the N*tranced (or L.S. King, lol) experience.

But there are also many health benefits to tea, which you may or may not know. Recently, I gotten on a white tea kick. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties to it and may also contain less fluoride than other teas. Plus drinking tea in general (3 cups or more a day), according to Oregon State University study, may be healthier for your heart.

A while ago a friend asked it I had ever seen tea flowers, tea which expands and blooms like a flower when hot water surrounds it (as in a pot of tea). I had not, but became intrigued. So, I finally found a source at Vat19.com. They have a Teaposy Gift Set that includes just such a flower (six), along with a glass tea pot, strainer, and two cups and saucers.

So, I see potential for this as a wonderful meditation tool. While watching, in a contemplative manner, the flower open, as it does so, imagine yourself opening up to something positive, be it better health (there is that heart thing, you know), positive energy, or the potential of the day.



The Really RELAX Contest

We can all use a little more relaxation, therefore N*tranced is hosting a relaxation contest. Either spread the help spread the good word about this contest or let us all know how you relax best. The winner will receive a cavalcade of N*tranced RELAXation products. Here is your chance to relax in the zone with:

How do you get this $115 reward?

  • Create a post about your favorite ways to relax and mention this contest on your blog, myspace page or such, or web site with a link back to the N*tranced blog post (or just mention the contest with a link back to this post).
  • Leave a comment here with a link to your web site or blog where you have posted this information.
  • You must also either leave an email address in the comment or email me your address letting me know you have posted it.


Leave a comment here on sharing your methods for relaxing. You must also either leave an email address or email me your address letting me know you have posted it.

The Nitty Gritty

  • Contest is open until March 31 - 5 pm (EST).
  • The winner will be determined by a random drawing. For those who post about this contest and link back, your entry will count as two entries.
  • The winner will be announced on April 2 on the blog and via email. At that point, I will get your mailing address to send out the prize.


The HypnoCoaching Experience

Join N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation for The HypnoCoaching Experience - a four week program to designed to help you get more out of life. Similar to life coaching, this is a process that helps you take control of your life by creating positive change and balance. The big difference is that HypnoCoaching utilizes hypnosis and NLP to create faster and more permanent change. It also helps you get in touch with your inner voice.

The N*tranced HypnoCoaching Experience is done in a small group environment and meets for four sessions that each last two hours. We will explore core values, how your life is balanced, goal creation and attainment, and organization. Each session will include a short group hypnosis session.

This differs from individual HypnoCoaching in that there are no individual sessions included nor are there weekly or monthly individual coaching sessions.

The Details:
  • When: Thursdays, April 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2008.
  • Time: 1 pm -3 pm or 7 pm-9 pm.
  • Where: N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation
  • Cost: $99
Registration is open until March 31. To register, send your check or money order to N*tranced, 303 College Street, Maryville, TN 37804 or through PayPal by clicking the button below.


A Kindness Contemplation

I have been accused of preaching kindness from my imaginary pulpit. I suspect this is true. There are worse things, you know. But, kindness is one of the most powerful things within our human make up and it can move mountains of emotion. Kindness, almost barely imperceptible at times and momentous at others is something that we all need more of in our lives.

To start this week out, the contemplation is going to be all about kindness. If you can, spend a little time each day this week reflecting on the following:

Kindness is a strength. I am stronger when I am kind.

At first just say this to yourself a few times, letting the words sink in. Notice their affect. Then remember a time when you were kind. How did it feel? How did it influence others?

Take all the positive energy from these thoughts with you.
