The Really RELAX Contest

We can all use a little more relaxation, therefore N*tranced is hosting a relaxation contest. Either spread the help spread the good word about this contest or let us all know how you relax best. The winner will receive a cavalcade of N*tranced RELAXation products. Here is your chance to relax in the zone with:
- Four RELAXation CDs of your choice from those on the N*Tranced web site
- One RELAXation eye mask (it can be microwaved for warm comfort - it is filled with flaxseed)
- An official N*tranced T-shirt.
How do you get this $115 reward?
- Create a post about your favorite ways to relax and mention this contest on your blog, myspace page or such, or web site with a link back to the N*tranced blog post (or just mention the contest with a link back to this post).
- Leave a comment here with a link to your web site or blog where you have posted this information.
- You must also either leave an email address in the comment or email me your address letting me know you have posted it.
Leave a comment here on sharing your methods for relaxing. You must also either leave an email address or email me your address letting me know you have posted it.
The Nitty Gritty
- Contest is open until March 31 - 5 pm (EST).
- The winner will be determined by a random drawing. For those who post about this contest and link back, your entry will count as two entries.
- The winner will be announced on April 2 on the blog and via email. At that point, I will get your mailing address to send out the prize.
Labels: Contest
Your contest has been posted on A Contest Blog at
Good luck with your contest!
Okay, I'll play. My favorite way to relax is swim off my stress. At the end of the day, I hop into the pool and swim twenty laps. If I have a lot on my mind, I push myself harder, so I end up just concentrating on finishing the lap. When I am done, I feel so much lighter.
(I sent you an email).
It has been post at
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My favorite way to relax is to go to the beach and just listen to the ocean. It's an amazing thing to just sit there in the sun, the seagulls, the smell. I wish I could do it every day.
Contest Posted on Pricenetwork
My favourite way to unwind and relax at the end of the day is to lie down, close my eyes, and take some deep breaths as I imagine myself on a far away beach. The waves are lapping at my feet and I have a tropical umbrella drink. It's an awesome way for me to relax, because it doesn't matter where you are!
Good Luck with the Contest,
Chels (sent you an email)
Posted here.
As for relaxing, I like to do yoga.
bunnybox9 [at] lycos [dot] com
I posted about the contest and shared how I relax at:
Good Luck!
I usually sit outside and meditate. In the summer I sneak into the front yard after the children are asleep and lay out on the grass and watch the sky …. Living close to a rain forest on wet days I snuggle into bed with candles and meditate.
Your contest will appear on MONDAY :-) at
My one and only way to relax is to go for a massage every two weeks without fail.
Ok here's my recipe for Relaxation
One large bathtub of hot water
add Indian Peppermint Oil, Light Candles turn off the lights, play music or guided meditation cd. Stay in the water til it cools or the cd stops playing.
But if you want lasting relaxation go for hypnosis with Leslie. Truly that's the most relaxed I've been in my entire life.
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