
A Strangely Emotional Issue

So today, we have talked about creating current changes, looked at the Mayan Calendar and now for something completely contemporary...homeschooling. If you are truly scratching your head and wondering why I am talking about this, you would be right in thinking that it has little to do with my hypnosis practice. But, it is something that is really bothering me.

I thought it was a joke at first. California outlawing homeschooling. Insane. But sadly, it is true. Now I understand homeschooling is one of those subjects that seems to be very much either you are for it or you are against it. However, some of the most brilliant people I know were homeschooled (along with some who just could not make it in public school). I also sometimes think I would have done better in elementary school (except for my fifth grade year when I had a most phenomenal teacher) if I had been allowed to go the homeschool route.

First it is California. A precedent gets set set. What state will follow? How many? What will this mean for society?

Enter Reverse The Ruling - Homeschoolers Unite, a web site that seeks to reverse the ruling. Mimi Rothschild of LearningByGrace.org is spear heading this effort with an online petition. If I understand correctly, anyone in the United States can sign the petition.

Here is the press release:
Sorting Fact From Fiction, Opinion From Opposition with ReverseTheRuling.com
Parents are responsible to train their children to the very best of their ability and to teach them all they believe to be true. Parents are blessed with children, and obligated to care for all aspects of their children’s lives, including who, what, where and how they are educated.

(PRWEB) March 11, 2008 -- Homeschooling activists across the nation are calling to “Reverse the Ruling,” targeting the recent opinion published by California Justice H. Walter Croskey that parents “do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children.”

On www.ReverseTheRuling.com, education activists have been separating fact from fiction, and schooling the general public on the recent events relating to homeschooling in California, as well as working with homeschoolers all across the nation to gather over 100,000 petition signatures demanding that this ruling be reversed.

“Homeschooling has been a freedom practiced long before the Constitution captured our inalienable rights, with many of the Declaration of Independence signatures coming from men that were homeschooled. Our opinion is quite clear,” said Mimi Rothschild, leader of ReverseTheRuling.com. “Parents are responsible to train their children to the very best of their ability and to teach them all they believe to be true. Parents are blessed with children, and obligated to care for all aspects of their children’s lives, including who, what, where and how they are educated.”

Since release yesterday, the ReverseTheRuling.com petition has been inundated with signatures, Ms. Rothschild and other activist are encouraging those that oppose this ruling to be active – signing as many national petitions as possible, gathering information and writing about their experiences on such sites as www.ReverseTheRuling.com.

About www.ReverseTheRuling.com:
ReverseTheRuling.com is the one-stop source of information for homeschoolers across the nation to learn, spread the word and be heard regarding the recent actions and events that affect homeschoolers throughout the state of California. Please visit www.ReverseTheRuling.com to learn more about the issue, and see how you can participate in reversing the most shocking ruling to hit homeschooling ever.

To schedule interviews with Mimi Rothschild, nationally known education expert specializing in Homeschooling, please contact:

Michael Broome
T. 215.487.3700 ext. 67266

Mimi Rothschild


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