
A Tuesday Tip - When to Change

If you are wondering what happened to the hypnosis information on this blog, it is still very much a part of it. In thinking about how to make this a more efficient and productive reading experience, I am toying with the idea of having regular segments along with the regular blogging stuff. I have already put this into play with the Monday Contemplation. So, I think Tuesday will be "Tuesday Tips or Trivia" and these post will be how to incorporate hypnosis into your life, how to make the most out of a hypnosis session, or interesting facts related to hypnosis.

So to start out with, let's talk about timing. Considering we are discussing Mayan time and potential change in 2012, current time is a great place to start. This sometimes comes up often in phone conversations before appointments are actually made. The questions are usually something to the effect of:
I want to quit smoking, binge drinking, lose weight (or insert your own reason for hypnosis here), but next week, I am going to go vacation, have the in-laws visit, have a stressful ordeal (again insert your personal event here), should I wait until after this to schedule a session?
Brilliant, but tough question. The answer is totally dependent on you. If you want to wait and use the excuse (I'm going on vacation, my in-laws will be visiting, etc.) as a last hurrah or crutch, than by all means, use it. I say this in terms of the idea that it is up to you to choose your start time for the change you have in mind. Hypnosis, if you want to get your money's worth, is not something to be entered into lightly. When you go for that first session, the change is in effect. It means that upon leaving my office (or any hypnotist's office), you have made the conscious commitment to move forward in your change. This is the first day in your new life.

On the other hand, if you may choose instead to go forward before the event (vacation, in-laws, etc.) because you are excited about the new you, that is extremely positive. It may be a celebration in change, knowing you can do anything you want to do. You are in control. Often being in a situation where in the past you would have, say - smoked, drank yourself to oblivion, gorged on junk food (or what have you), it is extremely empowering to go through the situation without regressing to past bad-habits. It can really strengthen your self-esteem and commitment to change.

With all this said, if you are planning to use hypnosis for self-change, you are the one deciding on the factors, such as when the time is right. There is a time and place for everything - only you can decide.



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