
Mayan Dating

12 . 19 . 15 . 2 . 14

Ha. Did you think I would post about the adventures of dating a Mayan, such as "will you go out with me?" (Well, I might literally go out in 2012, depending on your perspective. LOL). What I am talking about is, yes again, the Mayan calendar.

There is a part of me that is completely tempted to take up Mayan time - you know, really use it in the everyday world. I admit it is a complete novelty to me. You will note the five numbers above in orange. This is today's date on the Mayan Calendar. Curious how it breaks down?

  • 12 is how many baktuns there has been since the Mayan Long count began (1 baktun is equal to 394.26 years).
  • 19 is the number of katuns (1 katun equals 19.7 years) that have passed in the current baktun.
  • 15 is the number of tuns (the number of vague years, roughly 360 days per vague year) or katuns that we are on.
  • 2 is the number of uinals (vague months in a vague year, about 20 vague months to a vague year) is the amount of months that have passed in the current vague year.
  • 14 is the number of kins (days) is the number of days in the current vague month.

The date all this began was on August 11, 3114 BC. Here's that fun number 13 again - on December 21, 2012 the date will be

Just something to think about.

The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities from Sounds True, Inc. 2007.

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