So, its summer and it is pseudonymous with the idea of vacationing. What with the price of gas, let alone affording the increasing prices of travel, the idea of taking a week off to go somewhere exciting may now seem a bit depressing. So what's a person to do?
Well, for one, you can plan well and use
online travel guides such as the ones at Trusted Tours and Attractions. You could visit a place close by. For instance, if you live in the North East, there are many options.
Things to do in New York City are an unending list.
But, aside from the obvious, there is something else you can do - take a mental vacation. Humor me here. If things have piled up and you just can't get away, you can probably find a few minutes and use a technique called revivification - allowing yourself to remember and relive a past vacation. The effects give you a slight lift and a brief vacation that may make the rest of your day go well.
You just begin by closing your eyes (also you may want want to take a few deep breaths and exhales). Think about the idea of a past favorite vacation. Start at the beginning of the trip (whenever and where ever that may be), and begin to recall all the details that you can about what made it so wonderful. Let time do its own thing - if there are moments you want to skip over, well, skip over them. If there are moments you want to play over and over again, do so. See if you can remember what it felt like or even what conversations you had.
For me, I often go back to a vacation I took years ago to Orlando. And though there are many
things to do in Orlando, I always go back to being able to ride Space Mountain eleven times in a row at The Magic Kingdom. I can feel the air blowing around me as the ride starts, the exhilaration of letting go and reveling in the physics of motion. Then I think about convincing the ride controller to let me stay on again.
But, after you do this and you still find yourself in the mood to plan a vacation, you might want to sign up for
Trusted Tours and Attractions newsletter. They often give incentives for signing up, such as giving away GPS devices and such.

Labels: Tuesday Tips